Make complaints about the "train killing in the East". I love boring planes.

Aware of my eyes, the girl looked sideways at me, took off her eyes, showed a pair of big blue eyes, picked eyebrows and said, "it's you again!"

When she saw this, she didn't say much. She said with a smile, "my name is Shijian. You just call me Xiaojian. What about you?"

I smile, very grateful, "thank you, but I'll take a taxi there, thank you."

She put the phone away, looked at me and said, "come on, let's go out together. Where are you going? If we stop by, let's go together?"

With that, she didn't know what the other end of the phone said. She tooted her lips and complained, "really, I haven't finished my words yet!"

Then he picked up the phone and said, "Hello, honey, I have arrived at the airport. I met a little sister just now. She may not feel well, so I helped her here and came out soon."

Say, the mobile phone in her pocket rang up, she looked at me apologetically, whispered, "I answer a phone first!"

It seems to mention her fiancee, she is easily shy, "we are not married yet!"

I smile and say, "you look very young, aren't you engaged?"

She wow surprised way, "you look so young ah, how to get married?"

I nodded. "My husband is here. I'll come to see him."

Most of the reasons for dizziness are because I didn't sleep well. After sitting for a while, the blonde girl looked at me and said, "are you looking for friends in M country?"

I took the water and I laughed, "thank you!"

She supported me, let me sit in the rest area, handed me a glass of water and said, "you Chinese like to drink hot water, but there is hardly any in M country, so you can make do with it!"

I shook my head and said with a smile, "no, maybe I just got off the plane. I'm not used to it. I'll be fine in a moment."

The blonde girl saw that I didn't look very well and said, "do you need any help?"

Tossing back and forth, plus I stayed up late two days ago, so I got off the plane a little bit heavy.

M country airport.

Originally, it took more than half of the flight, so it didn't take long to arrive after the connecting flight.

As the plane just took off, there was a bit of impact time. I closed my book, closed my eyes and began to close my eyes.

When the plane took off, the stewardess came forward to adjust the small table and check the cargo hold.

She was a little shy. "No, just engaged. The wedding won't be held until May."

Listen to words although is to complain, but every sentence does not leave her Mr. Gu, I can not help but smile way, "you so young married?"

She agreed, "Mr. Gu of our family always says that. He always likes to take a book with him when he's on a plane, and then pass the time, so that I'm used to taking a book when I go first."

I Leng Leng, can not help but think that this girl is so cute, said with a smile, "flight time is too long, so can only be used to pass the time."

Seeing the book in my hand, she exclaimed, "you and I are reading the same book. Mr. Gu said that the Chinese girls he likes also like to read."

She shrugged and said, "don't always be sorry. I said it's OK."

I smile, "I'm sorry just now, I'm really sorry."

"Shen Shu!"

She nodded and thought, "your Chinese surnames are very simple, not like us, but I will follow my fiance's surname, Gu Shijian, which is also very good."

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