I nodded and motioned him to go!

It's a matter of human life. He can't delay.

I didn't hurt my muscles and bones. Just add some medicine and keep it for a few days.

I was speechless, and I took a face stick to clean his wounds. Fortunately, they were all scraped, but my skin was scratched and looked a little bloody.

He pursed lips, black eyes overflowed with light, "ate explosives?"

See the little nurse run away, I look up at him, no good airway, "I start more heavy, pain you also give me shut up."

The little nurse was relieved and nodded, "OK, OK!"

I sighed, took the little nurse in the hands of the liquid medicine, try to control the mood, warm voice way, "thank you, you go first busy, I'll deal with him."

Fu Shenyan frowned and said, "let her come!"

Little nurse a Leng, stopped the action in the hand, stained with alcohol face sign subconsciously fell on the wound.

He frowned, as if in a deflated anger, looked at me for a long time, said, "you come!"

It's OK for acquaintances to get used to it, but the little nurse is young after all, and his cold breath makes her hands tremble all the time.

He called a nurse to clean his wound, and his exquisite suit was cut open. He was cold-blooded.

In a word, I'm angry!

"Shut up I'm very angry. I don't know whether I'm angry that he's with Lu Xinran or that he doesn't love himself.

See me frown, he opened his mouth, voice moist, "a little hurt, not in the way."

If I hadn't been close to him and smelled the blood, I wouldn't have noticed that he was injured.

I raised my hand to take off his coat, and then I noticed that his arm had been scratched for a long time, and the blood had coagulated. Because the clothes were black, I could hardly see what was different.

He was stunned by my sudden roar, opened his mouth to speak, and was glared back by me.

I pursed my lips and choked my anger for a long time. "Fu Shenyan, do you think you are very powerful and manly? If you get hurt, bandage it. You'll be fine one by one. What's the matter? "

He took his hand and said, "it's OK!" He opened his mouth and his eyes were dark.

"Are you hurt?" I opened my mouth and raised my hand to lift his clothes.

Faintly smell a bloody smell, I can't help frowning, noticed his black sleeve wet large.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, he said, "gladly quarrel with me in the car!"

He raised his eyes, deep eyes fell on me, some complex, I suddenly had a bad premonition.

When things were finished, Fu Shenyan had time to sit down. I looked at him and kept silent for a while before I said, "you always drive very steadily. How can you suddenly have an accident?"

Originally, it was Fu Shenyan's responsibility. Chen Yigang came to communicate with the pregnant woman's family. Lu Xinran suffered some minor injuries and was taken by the doctor for observation.

By the time I arrived, the pregnant woman had been sent to the delivery room, and her family members had all come.

The pregnant woman was not injured, but was frightened and her amniotic fluid broke.


Simply, I drove directly to the hospital to see the specific situation of the pregnant woman.

It's not enough time to go back and forth to the cemetery after a long delay. Besides, if I go alone, if it's too late, it's definitely not safe on my way back.

The ambulance took away the pregnant woman, Fu Shenyan followed up to see the situation, the road was cleared.

Seeing her go, I have some doubts. Recently, I didn't seem to provoke her.

It's so cold that I can't help frowning.

Looking at him leaving, Lu Xinran looked at me, his eyes were full of resentment, "you shouldn't live!"

After cleaning the wound, I got up and closed the mess. I looked at him with shallow eyes, "why quarrel in the car?"

If you don't fight in the car, it won't cause an accident. I know his temperament.

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