After dinner, Zhang Nan washed the dishes with Mo Bai. Siji and I went to the yard to pick some fruits.

In midsummer, I sowed a lot of watermelon seeds in the early spring. The year I came to Huai'an, I bought some peach trees and planted them beside the fence, which almost bear fruit every year.

As night slowly falls, the street lights on both sides of the alley light up. I can't help but see the sound. A few years ago, Chen Xing and I seemed to have walked through such a long alley.

Four seasons nodded.

Jon didn't drink a mouthful of water, sprayed it out, looked at Siji and said, "my eldest lady, your uncle Jon is a man, not a child. He doesn't eat these things. His uncle is different from his mother. No matter how old his mother is, he is a child."

Four seasons don't understand, looked at Jon, to Zhang Nan way, "that Jon uncle and mother are the same age, he is also a child, why don't buy for him?"

Zhang Nan said with a smile, "your mother, like you, is also a child."

Four seasons licked the cream carefully, looked up at Zhang Nan and said, "Uncle Zhang, why do you buy it for your mother every time? Mother said that only children eat ice cream, adults don't eat it. "

I can't help laughing, after all, I was treated as a child.

Zhang Nan came out of the cold drink shop with ice cream in his hand, gave one to Siji and Mobai, and then handed one to me.

Because every time she comes, as long as she asks for ice cream, Zhang Nan will buy it for her.

There are many roses planted on both sides of the alley. They are blooming in midsummer. Four seasons like to play here, especially playing with Zhang Nan and Mo Bai.

After all, we had nothing to do, so we just walked along the alley together.

After dinner and fruit, it's late in summer and four seasons are clamoring to go out for a walk.

I just came to Huai'an to take a few years, he often came to see the four seasons, these years busy work, only once or twice a year.

Jon opened a psychological counseling studio in Jiangcheng, which has developed well in recent years.


He put down the four seasons, took the basket and habit from me, and said, "I know your fruit is ripe. I'm going to come and eat it for a few days. Can't I?"

I smile, carrying the basket, will just pick the watermelon, to him, "how do you come here? Isn't it that I've been busy with my work lately? "

Jon turned his mouth, looked at me and said, "you're a lady."


Siji pondered for a long time and said, "our classmates say that father is a boy who wants to lie in the same bed with his mother."

Holding Siji in his arms, Jon laughs, "Siji, you want dad so much, why don't you call me dad?"

I and Siji turn back, Siji Yixi, trot past, "Uncle Jon!"

"If your mother doesn't marry Uncle Zhang, you can marry Mo Bai when you grow up!" There is a sound behind, magnetic melodious.

She tilted her head to think, pause, very seriously, "I don't really want to, but I like Mo Bai. If my mother marries Uncle Zhang, I can marry Mo Bai in the future."

I can't help but be stunned for a moment, low Mou looks at her, "four seasons, do you want father very much?"

She pinched her chin and thought, "I was thinking, mom, can you let Uncle Zhang be my father?"

I put the picked fruit in the basket, hung it up her nose and said, "so baby, what are you going to say?"

Siji was carrying a basket, picking up peaches that could still be eaten on the ground, and asked me, "Mom, do you like Uncle Zhang?"

The alley is also full of roses, but there is no night market or hot pot at the end of the alley.

"What do you think?" Jon turned me off.

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