It's not a serious illness. Jon is here, Siji is taken care of, and Zhang Nan comes to see it at any time.

For the past four years, I have been working every day to take care of the four seasons. It's rare for me to have a few days of leisure, and I'm not in charge of anything.

He walked up to me, saw me staring at the computer screen, and said, "what do you think? I'm going to get off work. I'll pick up Siji and Mobai later

Several receptionists were yelled by him and left one after another.

Zhang Nan came in, looking at several sighing front desk, can't help frowning, "you have time to worry about nothing here, it's better to think about how to do the present work well."

I'm afraid I can't find more than 3000 jobs in a month. I can't help sighing. It's hard to see that I'm going to get more salary in a month. As a result, it's bad luck!

This resort hotel is a bit bigger. Its salary is much higher than others. Now if it goes out of business, it will have to find a new job.

Several receptionists in the hotel got together to discuss the change of shifts. I couldn't help but listen more. It's true that Huai'an, a small city, has no big companies. It's basically factories and small shops.

"Then we're going to lose our jobs. It's so bad. I finally got a job. My salary and salary are good. As a result, I'm out of work again."

"Yes! It's said that the head office is rich and powerful. It doesn't care about the income of the hotel at all. It's estimated that the people above don't want to spend time to deal with it, so they may close the hotel directly. "

"Yes! It's not easy to see that it's getting better. As a result, if this happens, we'll have to find a job again. "

"It's said that the girl's parents are senior officials in the capital. Although it's not our hotel's responsibility, after all, they have an accident in the hotel. It's estimated that there will be an accident in the hotel."

There was talk in the office.

Probably also idle, so I heard more gossip in the office. Someone in the hotel jumped off a building and committed suicide because of bad feelings.

Zhang Nan wanted to do things quickly. He transferred me back to the office, but I was not used to it.

Because of too much love, so sometimes hate and resentment with love, a long time, but also calm down, no matter what, we eventually a different two wide, each rush things, have their own life.

Life has a lot of disappointments, four years, I really let go a lot, I always think, maybe he has his own difficulties, he deceived me, hurt me, have his position.

Maybe I will be a more homesick person. I will watch over my children every day and study how to make delicious dishes and how to take good care of the children and their bodies.

Life calms down, it's nothing more than daily necessities. Before, I always thought that if I were lucky enough to live with Fu Shenyan all my life.

I bought chicken wings in the supermarket and sent Jon and I back to the yard. He went to pick up Siji and Mobai.

Zhang Nan was warm-hearted and had already driven downstairs. I couldn't refuse, so I had to get on the car.

I didn't speak and went downstairs with my things.

He raised his forehead and shrugged, "can you think of anything else in your mind?"

I smile, don't say much, just said, "four seasons want to eat chicken wings in the evening, we will go back, remember to go to the supermarket."

After packing up and leaving hospital, Jon looked at me and said, "the doctor said that your disease was caused by the birth of a child that year. You should take good care of yourself in the future. Don't waste yourself. You are only 30 years old. Don't be old at 40."

I nodded, thinking that I would have to make a form later, I quickly shook my head, "you help me connect the four seasons, I will have something else to do later, please."

See my computer has not finished the form, he laughed, but did not say more, then went out.

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