"About what time?" I opened my mouth as like as two peas, and I had vegetables for four seasons and Mo Bai. The tastes of the two children were exactly the same. They only eat meat instead of vegetables, and do not force them to eat.

Zhang Nan ate well, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "about noon, you dress more skillfully."

His trance is too long, so long that the people who meet him think that they are not fully prepared.

I frown, not being watched by so many people.

People were attracted by his sudden silence, and their eyes followed his eyes.

Looking coldly at xiangtui development, Chen Yi's voice was filled with displeasure, "Chen Yi, you..." His voice was extremely powerful, but only half of it stopped the conversation. Even his hand in dressing his suit stopped at the same place, as if he had been immobilized.

The man on the car, a pair of polished black shoes, fell to the ground. Then, the slender person stretched out the car and stood on the ground. The man's eyes were cold and capable.

Then I calmed down and bowed to open the door respectfully.

I stiff body, said not surprised is false, but also just surprised, just a few seconds.

Chen Yi was probably surprised. When he saw me, he paused slightly. After a moment, he took back his hand, stepped back two steps, looked at me and said, "please!"

At the same time, I raised my eyes and saw the speaker clearly. I was stunned for a moment. It was almost a second. Then I knew that the developer in our mouth was Fu Shenyan.

Men's voice is deep and cold, I am familiar with it.

"I'll do it!"

It's been preempted.

I went up to the car and bent over to open the door for the people, but I didn't touch the door.

All the staff who could come to the hotel came, waiting for the people on the bus at the door of the hotel.

Seeing the developer coming, Zhang Xinxin drew her resentful eyes back from me and waited at the door of the hotel with a standard smile on her face.

At the door of the hotel, a black Mercedes Benz S-class stopped, which is probably the best car in Huai'an.

It's well known that she doesn't like me.

Yesterday, I had a quarrel with her.

After all, it's a public place. I just gave her a cold look and didn't say much.

"Oh, it's not enough to seduce the manager. Is it to seduce other developers? The pheasant also wants to fly to the branches and become a Phoenix, but he doesn't want to see his virtue. "

Today, Zhang Xinxin happened to be on duty at the front desk. When I saw that I was wearing high-quality clothes, I couldn't help being sarcastic.

I stood at the door of the hotel in advance.

Later, when I came to Huai'an, I didn't wear it. I put it in the box for a few years, but it was moldy. Fortunately, the quality and design of tens of thousands of pieces of clothes are top-notch, even if they are worn for a few years, they won't look old.

This dress was specially made by famous Italian designer Fu Shenyan. There were many clothes in the cloakroom. In those days, because I was holding the four seasons, I wore this smart suit for convenience.

Because I wanted to receive guests, I specially wore the clothes I brought from Jiangcheng in those years. In recent years, Huai'an has not bought any clothes. Even if I bought them, I bought some cheap clothes in the night market. I don't wear any brands, let alone customized clothes.

The next day!


There are many psychological problems!

I nodded. Although I didn't do the work of reception, I worked in Fu several years ago. Because of my identity, I was received several times.

Chen Yi is the person who knows him best. Seeing him looking at me with deep and obscure eyes, he opened his mouth and reminded me, "Mr. Fu, let's go to the hotel first and have a rest!"

Maybe it's my illusion, I always feel that men's body seems to be shaking, I don't know whether it's excited or angry.

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