His eyes hurt a trace of pain color, a smile, "yes, you look at everything is very good."

I nodded, also can't find too much topic to talk with him, said, "you sit here, I'll help."

It's true that a bit of strength is king in this big county. There are not many rich people, and even the rich don't care about people here.

She became angry and looked at the two men behind her and said, "big cousin, second cousin, do you hear me? Take her away and kill her. I'll make her so arrogant. "

Eyes fell on the man behind him, I said, "you can try if you have this ability."

I frown, young is a romantic beautiful thing, looking at her, I can't help but feel young, sometimes, quite annoying.

She snorted coldly, "otherwise, don't blame me for making your daughter come to a bad end We all know how to be a man.... "

"Or what?" I open my mouth, my words are shallow.

"Shen Shu, if you kneel down and apologize to me now, I can consider letting bygones be bygones and letting you stay in the hotel to beg for food, otherwise..."

I can't help frowning and looking at her coldly, with some suppressed anger.

I met Zhang Xinxin who blocked me at the door and saw two strong men behind her.

The ankle injury is much better. After sending Siji, I go to the hotel.

The next day.


Seeing that I opened my mouth like this, he opened his mouth, didn't say a word after all, sighed slightly and left.

I smile, not uncomfortable, slightly open mouth, calm way, "for me thank Mr. Fu, please advise him, tell him everyone has their own way to go, don't entangle in the past."

He nodded, slightly pursed his lips, "madam, President Fu has been waiting for you for four years. He knows that as long as he wants to find you, he can easily find you, but he is afraid, he is afraid that you still resent him and push him away, so he is waiting, waiting for you to let go, waiting for you to go back."

I nodded and took it. "Bring me a thank you!"

He handed me the plastic bag in his hand and said, "Mr. Fu asked me to give it to you to smear the medicine for sprain."

"Chen tezhu, what can I do for you?"

I couldn't beat him. I went back to the yard and saw Chen Yi. He was as cold as ever. He looked at me with black eyes and his back was straight.

He shook his head, eyes fell on my ankle, "it seems swollen again, go to rest!"

I smile, "I can help with the dishes."

Into the kitchen, Zhang Nan in washing vegetables, see me come in, he slightly a Leng, "you accompany Fu always talk, here I come."

He turned to leave, I sighed, but the first life is not their own.

He looked at me, eyes complex, warm and cool, hard to cover the pain overflow, for a long time, he opened his mouth, nodded, heavy spit out a word, "good!"

I sighed. I didn't know what to say to comfort him. Looking back at him, I said, "Mr. Fu, people should always learn to let go. I'm really good here. I'll hate and collapse if I stay with you. In Jiangcheng and Beijing, I seem to have many relatives and friends, but I am very painful. I can't let go of the past. Huai'an is the place where I belong in my heart. Here, I can live as I imagined. Mr. Fu, I hope you can understand me. "

"Be a friend, will you?" His voice came from behind, but far away, "four years, I used countless ways to paralyze myself, but people are like this. The more you want to forget, the deeper you remember, the harder it is to erase."

Zhang Xinxin's arrogance is partly due to her father's fact that he has been in this position for many years, which can be regarded as a local leader.

See two men close to me, I can't help frowning, tone cold down, "Zhang Xinxin, before you offend people, don't do investigation?"

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