I nodded and wiped my mouth slightly.

Looking at the time, at 1:30 in the afternoon, I looked at him and said, "thank you for your hospitality. It's late. I'll go back to work first."

The child's heart is simple. Before, I took Siji to clean up in the hotel. Because I left her alone at home, I was not sure. So I often took her with me. Occasionally, I met Zhang Xinxin. This woman was unforgiving, so she always spoke ill of a child.

After thinking about it, Siji said, "Uncle Zhang is a bad guy in the hotel. She always scolds my mother and says I'm a wild child."

Shen Changlin bent down slightly, looked at him and said in a warm voice, "who does the four seasons want my grandfather to catch?"

Four seasons looked up at Shen Changlin, ghost spirit way, "grandfather can help me catch bad people?"

Pulling four seasons, I said, "four seasons, can't be so impolite, this is grandfather."

Four seasons have a good memory. It's normal to remember them.

I suddenly realized that she should have seen the news, so she said that. Sometimes I would watch the evening news, so I would pay attention to the events in the capital. Naturally, there would be reports about Shen Changlin.

Four seasons nodded, "well, you are specialized in catching bad people."

I was stunned for a moment, Shen Changlin was also stunned for a moment, but he was puzzled and said, "Oh, so you know me?"

Siji looks at Shen Changlin as if he knows something. He looks up at Shen Changlin and says, "uncle, I've seen you on my mother's mobile phone."

Because I told Zhang Nan in advance to help him pick up the four seasons, when Shen Changlin and I arrived in the yard, they had already arrived.

So, I smile, with him back home.

He frowned. "What are you talking about, child? How can you say that she is also the daughter of the Shen family in the genealogy? When is she so strange? "

I smile, "then you can't abandon it!"

He couldn't help laughing, "I looked at your posture, and thought you were going to leave me in the hotel. It's rare for you to speak. I have to go."

I smile, looking at the time is not early, said, "hungry? Why don't you go to our house for dinner and have a look at the four seasons? "

Looking at me, he sighed, "you child, you are thin again."

Just a few simple words, arranged the people around to check the county magistrate, other people have been sent away by him.

There were also some local rich people who came along, but he didn't plan to hide them.

Shen Changlin came very quickly. When he arrived at the hotel at 5 p.m., it might come suddenly. One hour after he entered the hotel, the county magistrate and the leaders of several nearby urban areas came one after another.

He nodded, gentlemanly and elegant.

Back at the hotel, I said, "thank you!"

He sank his eyes and didn't speak.

Besides, Shen Changlin has been investigating corruption all over the world in recent years. I'm just pushing the boat with the current.

I frowned, "no!" Since I called my third uncle, I didn't want him to deal with these trifles.

Seeing that I was speechless, he said, "I'll deal with Zhang Xinxin. You can work at ease."

When I got on the bus, I was still silent all the way.

I nodded, did not refuse, Huai'an is not easy to take a taxi, so go back if time.

He followed, "I'll take you back."

It's not indifference, it's not deliberate push away, but I always feel that some things have gone too far.

I got up and went out of the restaurant.

I didn't think Siji would remember this. I didn't want her to say so.

Pulling her, I said with a smile, "four seasons, my grandfather is here to eat today, not to work. After catching the bad guys, my mother will give you a small task today. You and Mobai will take my grandfather to the backyard to see what he likes to eat and pick some back, OK?"

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