I nodded. "Is wine OK?" There were too many grapes in the yard before, so I made a lot of them.

He said with a smile, "yes, it's impolite to have guests at home without wine."

Food and sex men and women, inevitably strange, I got up light mouth, "go to bed early!"

He graciously a, pull me close in the bosom, deeply bury the head on my neck, "very fragrant."

I was a little burned by him. I raised my hand to cover his eyes and said, "let's talk about the future."

He looked at me with hot eyes. "Where you are, I am."

I smile, "you don't need me to take it."

He reached out and held me. He put my hand in the palm of his hand. His voice was warm. "I have contacted the school in Beijing. If you want, take me and Siji together."

Avoiding him, he did it on the sofa, looked at the time, and said, "it's late, go back to bed!"

Just a few words, I am a little distracted, by his hot eyes see me some face burning.

His eyes with light, especially bright, "several times to see you in the dream, wake up to find that you are not, always want to wander for a long time."

There is no time to avoid, four eyes relative, I do not know what to do for a time, it is a little dazed.

I turned to the bedroom, took the blanket, covered him, touched his shoulder and woke up.

By the time he came out, he had packed up and was lying in the living room, with his eyes closed, breathing gently. It seemed that he was asleep.

Knowing that I couldn't beat him, I didn't say much. I washed my hands and went to Siji's bedroom to have a look.

He took the dishes and chopsticks, took the rag from my hand, and said, "I'll come and go, you wash your hands, go and see the four seasons."

I laughed and went into the kitchen with a rag.

He looked at me, smile, "how should I praise you, you become more gentle?"

When Zhang Nan left, Fu Shenyan got up to clean up the dishes and chopsticks on the table. I wiped the table and looked at him and said, "Fu Shenyan, you have become more and more stable."

Seeing this, they said nothing more.

Two children go to bed early, four seasons back to the bedroom, Mo Bai against Zhang Nan knee, sleep.

Such people are not only dazzling among women, but also looked up to in men's circle.

In four years, he became more and more dazzling. In just four years, he managed Fu's business as the most eye-catching company in the listed companies. In almost all industries, he made a bold investment and finally made a big profit.

Fu Shenyan is a business genius in the capital. If we say that he kept a low profile in those years in Jiangcheng, then he has made great achievements in these four years.

After a few glasses of wine, the topic and atmosphere are also warm up, the two men seem to have a lot of common topics.

Two men drinking, it is also harmonious.

I have never told anyone about my relationship with Fu Shenyan. Although Zhang Nan has doubts in his heart, he is always a gentleman. If I don't tell him, he won't ask.

Zhang Nan smiles. Fu Shenyan opens his mouth and takes the initiative to pour wine for him. His voice is shallow. "She's here these years. Thank you for taking care of her."

Seafood is a kind of warm and cool food. It's hard to eat it, but it doesn't mean you can't eat it.

Not from the heart next a close, look to Zhang Nan way, "is not completely can't eat, four seasons like, occasionally or will eat."

I looked at Fu Shenyan and saw that he opened the wine bottle with low eyes. His eyes were as warm as jade, and his temperament was elegant.

Sitting back on the seat, Zhang Nan looked at me and said with a smile, "I've known you for so long, but I didn't know you can't eat shrimp."

I smile, get up to get wine, come back, see two people shallow chat, it seems that the conversation content is me, very harmonious.

Zhang Nan is slightly a Leng, appearance some accident.

He has been living here for some days. We get along with each other very smoothly. He is strict with the gentleman's demeanor and does not exceed his warmth.


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