"Mom, why are you crying?" Four seasons mouth, soft voice, I squat down, holding her, uncomfortable.

"Siji, I'll take you to look at this aunt tomorrow, OK?" I haven't been here for four years. How is she?

Platycodon grandiflorum has two kinds of Chinese, one is eternal love, the other is hopeless love, two kinds of extreme flower language.

Eyes fell on the white Platycodon grandiflorum quietly placed in front of the tombstone, I was stunned for a long time.

As for Cheng Junyu, I don't know which kind he belongs to. After four years, I still don't know what kind of feelings he had with Muzi.

Some people say that the growth of some people in this world will be more and more gentle as time spreads, while some people will be more and more silent and cold. What time adds to them is pain and memories. Some people are gentle because of memories, while others are desperate because of memories.

I saw the man standing in front of the tomb. His body was like jade and his face was cold. In four years, he had not been as warm as he had seen for the first time. It seemed that he was getting colder and colder.

It seems that a lot of people came to worship their relatives. They took Siji to worship the two elders before they came to Muzi tombstone.

The cemetery has a large expansion. The steps are long and foggy in early autumn. I walked along the steps for a long time after four years. If I hadn't marked the area code, I would have forgotten the location.

Grandma's favorite is the Phoenix Tail flower beside the Huai'an yard. She said that the flower is tenacious. Although it is not dazzling, a few seeds fall to the ground. After a heavy rain, it grows with the wind.

I picked a handful of sunflowers and held them in four seasons. Grandfather Fu didn't pay attention to flowers, but he was deep and steady. I picked a handful of yellow chrysanthemums.

Muzi used to say that she didn't like white chrysanthemums. She was pale and pale. She was flustered when she looked at them. She was not as happy as sunflowers.

The boss was stunned for a moment, nodded, "of course you can!"

I smile, shake my head, leading Siji into the florist, and say, "boss, I want to choose by myself, OK?"

In front of the flower shop outside the cemetery, a middle-aged woman bought flowers. Seeing me with my child, she blurted out, "do you want a bunch of white chrysanthemums?"

In four years, how many people have lost their relatives and loved ones.

I took Siji to take a taxi to the cemetery. I didn't come here for a long time. It seems that the cemetery has been expanded and there are more and more tombstones in it.

Settle down, the next day.

I nodded.

She seemed a little confused, but looked at me very seriously, thought about it, or nodded, "OK, mom, I'll listen to you, and then call this aunt Muzi mom, OK?"

I can't tell Siji that she wasn't born to me, but I don't want her to have no impression of Muzi. She didn't have much memory before she was four years old, but after she was four years old, she could remember all about Muzi.

"Four seasons, each of us is different, you and Mo Bai are also different, you are a girl, he is a boy, he has only one mother, but you have two mothers, this aunt is the most important person of mother, her name is Muzi, you must remember, you know?"

She didn't understand, "why? Mo Bai said that there can only be one father and one mother. I called someone else's mother. What do you call that? "

Embracing her, I pressed the emotion, "four seasons, this aunt is the most important person for mother, and also the most important person for you. Can you promise your mother that you won't call her aunt or mother in the future, OK?"

Four seasons nodded, looked at the wood on the photo, nodded, raised his hand to wipe my tears, "good!"

The ancients said that when things go to extremes, they will turn to the opposite. No matter how grand love is, too much is better than too much. A long flow of water is the long-term solution.

"Mom!" Maybe standing for too long, Siji suddenly opened his mouth and looked at the picture on the tombstone. He was puzzled, "is mother Muzi dead?"

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