I Leng a few seconds, some do not understand, looking at her, "what busy?"

She hesitated for a moment. She seemed embarrassed to speak, but the person next to her said, "this young lady is very similar to Nanxiang, and her temperament is much higher than Xiangxiang."


They continued to discuss, "it's said that President Fu seems to be engaged to Miss Lu. Some insiders have told us that they are very sweet."

They had a heated discussion. I was thinking that Fu Shenyan had protected Lu Xinran so well in the past four years. Maybe it was because of his responsibility!

"Once before, I was arranged to make up for Miss Lu at an auction? Don't say, nanxiangxiang and she are almost carved out of the same model. They are so similar. "

"How do you know?"

"Don't say it's really possible. I heard that Miss Lu is a charming woman in President Fu's house. She has been raised in a villa these years. I'm afraid that she will be bumped."

"Deliberate imitation is probably imitating Lu Xinran, who is well protected by President Fu."

The makeup artist began to make up for me. Maybe everyone thought I was just a temporary substitute. Naturally, I didn't pay much attention to it and began to talk about it wantonly.

Someone interjected, "it's like facial features, but the temperament and manner are not at all. Miss Shen's facial features are more natural. Nanxiangxiang's manner always gives me the feeling that she is imitating people. It's very strange."

I smile and say nothing more.

I sat in front of the make-up mirror, the makeup artist looked at me, some accident, "Miss Shen, you and nanxiangxiang really like."

Into the dressing room, make-up artist and stylist have to, Han Shuang arrangement down, because to decorate the scene was called away.

She smiles and says, "you don't know what it means to me to lift your hand."

I smile, but think she is a little exaggerated, "this is a matter of lifting a finger, you don't have to."

She looked at me with a sincere face.

Taking me to the dressing room, she said something lucky, "I thought you would not agree, Mr. Fu held you in his hand, so naturally you would not appear in public, but the opportunity is so, I was ready to beg you, Shen Shu, thank you!"

Maybe the trouble was solved, and everyone was slightly relieved. Han Shuang pulled me and said, "thank you!" Words are very serious.

For a moment, he nodded and agreed.

I pursed my lips and looked at her forehead, sweating slightly. I couldn't help but feel compassion.

"Nothing!" She said, "it's not difficult. Just change your clothes and stand up. The photographer will guide you."

"Making promotional films?" I'm a little hesitant. "I don't know much about this, and I haven't had much contact with it before."

Han Shuang nodded, looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, your facial features are very similar to those of Nanxiang, and your temperament is more outstanding. If you don't shoot the propaganda film today, Fu will suffer losses. When the time comes, President Fu will be accountable, and I may face the risk of unemployment. Can you help me take a picture?"

For a moment, someone looked at Han Shuang and said tentatively, "director Han is planning to..."

"Of course, some people took photos of Fu and Miss Lu kissing in the downtown square yesterday, but it seems that only Miss Lu's back was there. When the photos came out, some people said it was Nanxiang!"

I subconsciously Leng for a while, kiss on the square?

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