For a time, nanxiangxiang's face was pale and colorless, and her soft body retreated a few steps as if she had lost her center of gravity.

Chen Fen also responded that something was wrong. Her face turned pale. There were more questions and uncertainties in her eyes. She seemed to be asking me about the relationship between Fu Shenyan and me.

"So, who is the stand in..."

Sure enough, before long, I heard an unbelievable voice behind me, "who is this woman?"

Fu Shenyan and I came out of the studio with a faint sigh. It is estimated that the whole Fu family will explode.

He smile, raised his hand in my nose scrape, although in front of the public, but silk did not hide his doting, "en, go back to eat delicious."

He took the initiative to take his arm, looked up at him and said, "have you finished your work? I'm a little hungry! "

I know that he did it because I was commissioned, but it's not their fault to put it bluntly.

The hand is pulled by him, he has some helplessness, "later need not be soft hearted!" Looking at Han Shuang, he frowns and is not happy. Even his eyes to Chen Yi are cold.

Then he took a cold look at nanxiangxiang. His eyes were as cold as ice. He didn't speak, but it was enough to show that Fu Shenyan hated her.

He looked at Chen Fen and said in a cold voice, "I don't want to see you again!"

For a moment, there was a chill in the air. Fu Shenyan's anger didn't disappear.

But just now that heavy slap, hit Chen Fen corners of the mouth are bleeding, under the full strength is Fu Shenyan.

Before I could react, I heard "pa!" It was Fu Shenyan who took my hand to slap me. It was better to say that it was Fu Shenyan who slapped me properly. I didn't exert myself. Maybe I didn't touch her face before I took it back.

Chen Fen knows how to recognize the current affairs as a hero. For a moment, she got up from the ground and walked into me.

He held my hand in the palm of his hand and motioned to me to flatten it. Then he looked coldly at Chen Fen.

Fu Shenyan didn't open his mouth, but looked at me. The bloodthirsty corners of his mouth softened a little and became soft. "Are you afraid of hand pain?"

Chen Fen was stunned, wiped away his tears, looked at me, pale, opened his mouth, "I didn't mean to hit you, you can call back, slap as much as you want, but Mr. Fu, I beg you, the future and future of Xiangxiang, I beg you, raise your hand, leave a way for her."

Fu Shenyan didn't open his mouth. He just looked at her indifferently. His voice was low and heartless. "I'm sorry to kill people, but will people live?"

With these words, Chen Fen's legs softened and she knelt down on the ground. She looked at me and Fu Shenyan, and her voice trembled. "Mr. Fu, I'm wrong. I didn't mean to. I apologize to this young lady. I beg you, I apologize to this young lady."

His black eyes fell on Chen Fen. He was cold and bloodthirsty. His voice was low, with a faint intention to kill him. "You can fight back how others call you!"

He eased his face, took my hand and sighed, "dear, you are my woman. You don't need to give in on any occasion."

"I'm ok. Let's go. What are we going to eat later?"

I know Fu Shenyan is angry, but it's his company after all. I don't care. According to my understanding of him, Nanxiang can't get along in the performing arts circle in the future.

Behind the voice away, on the car, I looked at him, "nanxiangxiang and I really like it?"

He hooked his lips, laughed, and his fingers fell on my cheek for a moment. "No, she doesn't deserve to be like you!"

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