"I always wanted to be a lawyer of Beijing University, but the result of college entrance examination was not so ideal, so I stayed in Jiangda. Now I want to be a graduate student of Beijing University and continue to study law when I have time." It was a dream when I was young. Now I can pick it up at the age of 30, which is a great fortune in my life.

He nodded, mouth up, "OK, need to apply for training classes? I'll let Chen Yi do it. "

The man's facial features are handsome, a pair of black eyes are closed at this time, curly eyelashes are particularly good-looking, sleeping face is stable and calm, without the usual publicity wanton, at this time is particularly gentle.

That night, I fell into a deep sleep and awoke dimly. Fu Shenyan around me was still awake, and my eyes were encircled in his arms.

In this way, I did not have the heart to continue to disturb him, simply rely on his arms, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

But into the bedroom, he pulled me lying on the bed, will hold me tightly, the whole person tired.

He should be a, tired face pulled me back to the bedroom, was originally divided bed sleep.

I look up at the time, already early in the morning, can't help but say, "Fu Shenyan, go back to bed to sleep."

"Yes He had a deep voice and seemed to be asleep.

His hair is short and strong, and seems to be longer than before. "It's long. It needs to be cut!"

He hugged me, tired voice, "used to you by my side."

Just three words made my body stiff.

He looked up at me, raised his hand and hugged me in his arms. His head rested on my belly. His voice was low. "Four years!"

Can't help but return to his side, raise a hand to caress the eyebrow on, softly open mouth, "how long didn't sleep well?"

I was stunned for a moment. When I look back, I see that the tired color on his eyebrows is very strong. I think it's a matter of work.

Didn't walk a few steps, be pulled by him, "Shen Shu, accompany me to talk!"

If it were not for his dark eyes at this time, I would have ignored these things.

He got up and prepared to go back to his bedroom. From Huai'an to the capital, these days, he treated me as a gentleman, and did not overstep the slightest.

It took me a long time to reflect what he meant. His face was burning and he said, "go to bed early!"

He slightly narrowed his eyes, thin lips up, "are you inviting me?"

As I get older, I can't bear to stay up late.

I nodded, put the water cup in front of him, leaned on the desk, looked at him and said, "it's late. If you're busy with your work, you'll have an early rest."

Seeing him reclining on the chair, he closed his eyes. Hearing the movement, he opened his eyes. His black eyes were deep and dark. "Can't you sleep?"

In the study, the computer screen is black, and the files on the desk are stacked neatly. It seems that the work has been handled.

Fu Shenyan has something to do. He has been dealing with documents in his study. I got up in the middle of the night to drink water. When I saw that the light in my study was still on, I poured a glass of water and knocked on the door.

September in the capital is not so cold. The temperature is suitable. The light in the bedroom is dim. After sleeping for a long time in the daytime, I can't sleep at night.

Leaning on his heart and listening to his heartbeat, I can't help but feel at ease. The future is far away, and we can't predict it. Having a good time is the best.

He chuckled, "it's my lucky life. You can come back and let you do what you like. This life is worth it."

I chuckled and looked up at him. "Do you feel like you have two daughters?"

I can't help but raise my hand to touch his curly eyelashes. When I touch them with my fingertips, he wakes up.

Four eyes are opposite, his eyebrows are deep without low, the black eyes of star Yao sort slightly stir up, "wake up?" His voice was deep and hoarse.

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