As soon as he entered the office area, he met Chen Yi, who was anxious to follow him. When he saw Fu Shenyan returning, he was happy and said, "the star shining President Lin is the most difficult. They came to this meeting on their own initiative, mostly to cooperate with Fu. Would you like to talk to them?"

After all, it's an assistant. All he can do is give advice.


Fu Shenyan bowed his head, arranged his clothes, and stood up and said, "the things handed over by Junyu are temporarily put in the strict side, and let the strict handle them."

Chen Yi did not shy away from me, and said directly, "the company in M country has sent me all the information, and Mr. Cheng has handed over the hospital and film and television to me. At present, he is waiting for you to do the handover work."

I look back, see Fu Shenyan has been awake, is sitting straight body finishing clothes, elegant slow mouth.

"If you are tired for a while, go to the rest room to have a rest!" The man spoke in a low voice.

Doesn't it mean that he is going to Huadu for development?

He nodded.

I asked subconsciously, "Cheng Junyu?"

Mr Cheng?

With a sigh of gratitude, he raised his hand and looked at the time. He said in a hurry, "there will be a meeting in country m in ten minutes. President Cheng has just arrived."

I nodded and asked, "is it a meeting?"

About an hour later, Fu Shenyan seemed to be asleep. Chen Yi knocked on the door and picked it up. Seeing that he closed his eyes and breathed steadily, he could not help but cast his eyes on me and lowered his voice. "Asleep?"

The heartbreaking noise and the vigorous love parting are inevitable tragedies when we recall them in our twilight years.

Two people get along, not need a lot of sweet words to pave the way, for a long time, love is integrated into the details, mutual understanding and care, mutual tolerance, flow, this life can come to an end.

He nodded and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He was a little tired. Holding me, he began to close his eyes.

Knowing that he was busy, I came out for a walk. I didn't mean to delay his work. I said with a smile, "no, I'll pick her up after school."

He hugged me and said, "the meeting may be a little long. Are you bored to stay here alone?"

I shook my head, took a toothpick, put a piece into his mouth, said with a smile, "wait for you to come back to eat."

About twenty minutes later, he came back. Seeing that I cut the fruit on the table into pieces, but I didn't eat it, I couldn't help frowning, "don't you like it?"

So it's normal to have no fruit or snacks in the office.

I smile, then, Fu Shenyan does not like to eat fruit, I always know that if he does not have to eat, he will not move.

It seems that Chen Yi is not as straight as he used to be.

About five minutes later, Chen Yi came in with some fruits and snacks, looked at me and said, "President Fu doesn't usually eat these, so he doesn't have them in the office. You can see what you like and wait while you eat."

His office area has two floors, and the conference room is on the other floor. I went into the rest area.

Looking back at me, I scraped on the tip of my nose and said, "OK, I'll be fine soon!"

He glanced at the overcast sky outside. The dark clouds cleared away and it was just a light rain.

Fu Shenyan was in a meeting just now. I know that when Chen Yi opened his mouth, I couldn't help looking up at Fu Shenyan, "I'll wait for you in the lounge."

Seeing that he was leaving, I got up and said, "wait a minute!"

Go to Fu Shenyan side, standing in front of him, he smile, "reluctant?"

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