I felt a headache from my lower abdomen. My heart was shocked, and my voice trembled. "Fu Shenyan, stop, I It's bleeding

As soon as he was stiff, he looked down and saw that a pool of blood had accumulated under my feet.

Seeing his bad face, I continued, "I didn't want to cheat you. If you don't want to, I can divorce you. As long as we are divorced, we will not interfere. If you are upset, I will not let him affect the future of you and Lu Xinran."

I didn't know how to answer for a moment. In this situation, it's not good to quarrel with him. I simply blushed and said, "Lu Xinran forced you to kill him with death. Fu Shenyan, I really can't bear it, so..."

Half an hour later, he said, "when are you going to hide it?"

He raised his eyes, a pair of black eyes straight stabbing at me, cold and terrible, my heart raised up, wide eyes waiting for his answer.

I couldn't spy out his emotion. I looked at him and said, "is the child still there?"

He put the cup on the bedside table, looked at me and said, "would you like some water?"

I was stunned. Looking back, I saw that Fu Shenyan had woken up. I got up from my chair and went to one side to pour a glass of water.

"Awake?" A man's low voice came from his ear.

Out of instinct, I reached out to touch my lower abdomen and felt uneasy. Fortunately, my stomach was still bulging and there was no pain in my lower abdomen.

After a look around, I can see the white color. This is the ward of the hospital.

He's been here?

When I opened my eyes, what I saw was the man's strong and fierce face. Under the eyelids, there was a light cyan color, and the chin was covered with shallow scum.

When I woke up again, it was very late.


I can't stop regretting that I was careless. I thought it would be OK. After all, I came here safely several times before.

After a burst of panic, I gradually lost consciousness.

The nurse nodded and comforted me, "don't worry, send it to the operating room first!"

I felt a pause in my heart. For a moment, I was in a cold sweat. But the pain in my lower abdomen made me have no time to think more. I dragged the nurse beside me and said, "the child is less than two months old. There are signs of miscarriage. Please help me keep the child."

Fu Shenyan glanced at me, his eyes and cold, "Shen Shu, do you say it yourself, or do I say it?"

"What's the matter?" Someone in the flustered crowd asked.

He drove very fast. He didn't know how many red lights he ran along the way. He took me to the hospital and a nurse pushed the car to meet him.

Seeing that he was going to pick up the car and start it, his dark eyes were low and his thin lips were tight, which almost made people unable to detect any emotion.

"Grass It's the first time in my life that I can hear Fu Shen's rude remarks.

Put me on the bed, he found clothes to put on for me, and then called Cheng Junyu. I grabbed him by the corner of his clothes, and the pain was a little breathless. "It's too late, Fu Shenyan, send me to the hospital quickly!"

Fu Shenyan's original high mood suddenly fell back. His eyes were low. He pulled the towel on one side and wiped the water off my body. Then he held me out of the bathroom.

I have a feeling that this time the pain is not the same as before.

I was a little convulsed with pain. I pulled his arm, and there was a slight sweat oozing from his forehead. "Come on, take me to the hospital!"

"Shen Shu!" He was angry, a pair of black eyes full of bloody light, "in your opinion, my Fu Shenyan is so unbearable, even your child's father is not worthy?"

I am a Leng, voice some Na Na way, "no, I just worry that you will because of Lu Xinran, don't him..."

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