Looking at Chen Yi again, he looks at me differently, with sympathy and pain.

What's wrong with me?

The doctor pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows, but he didn't continue to say anything.

Fu Shenyan nodded.

Before long, about a few seconds, he looked at Fu Shenyan and said nothing, but said faintly, "does Fu Shenyan want to accompany me?"

Looking at Fu Shenyan, he nodded and laughed. He said hello, and his eyes fell on my face.

About ten minutes later, an old man about sixty came in, dressed in a white coat.

I nodded, but in such a cramped space, there was always a sense of suffocation.

He patted my hand, to appease me, low voice, "see a doctor, you and the doctor chat, don't think, the doctor asked, say what, OK?"

He was with me, and there was no one in the office. I looked at him and asked, "what are we doing here?"

He didn't choose a department or name any disease to see. He pulled me all the way into an office and then asked me to sit and wait.

I thought Fu Shenyan would take me to a public hospital, but I didn't expect that he took me to a private hospital.

I nodded, followed him on the car, sitting in the car, I fidgeted, and even some inexplicable irritability difficult to say.

Fu Shenyan took the key, pulled me tightly, and said, "four seasons will be back in the evening. Don't worry."

Chen Yi came early and picked up Siji. I watched Siji walk for a long time before I regained my mind.

The next day.

That night, I didn't have insomnia or irritability. Fu Shenyan didn't go to the company and stayed with me all the time.

Going to the hospital may really show that I am ill. In four years, I thought I was self-healing, I was relieved, I was cured, but I didn't expect that I didn't.

I pursed my lips and nodded for a long time, which was the answer.

"Don't be afraid. We're just going to have a look." His voice was soothing.

My body stiff, almost subconscious action, he felt, almost at the same time, he held me more tightly.

He sighed. His voice was deep. He seemed to talk with me. "Shen Shu, let's go to the hospital tomorrow, OK?"

I shook my head and pursed my lips, unwilling to speak.

He patted me on the back, seemed to comfort me, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy this time, ignored you, blame me for not taking care of you."

With his promise, I calmed down, leaned in his arms, listened to his heartbeat, and began a long silence.

The body is hugged by him, especially tightly. The man's voice is low and magnetic. "Cheng Junyu won't take her away. She will always be our daughter and will always be with us. Don't worry, she won't go."

He took me, shook his head, and looked softly. "No, she's asleep. She's in the room."

Pulling Fu Shenyan to open his mouth, "are the four seasons taken away by Cheng Junyu?"

It was an hour later that I woke up again. Fu Shenyan was by my side. I looked around for the shadow of the four seasons, but I didn't see it.

I'm not sick. I'm really not sick.

I couldn't extricate myself from the emotion. I couldn't calm down at all. My only consciousness was to curl myself up on the ground, cling to my head and tear my hair.

Looking at the information in his hand, he looked at me and said, "how about the sleep quality recently?"

I said, "OK!" I'm already a little fidgety in my heart. I don't like such a small space. It's like being interrogated and chatting.

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