With that, she drank the wine in the glass boldly. He Zhizhou took a few mouthfuls of food for her and said, "drink less, eat more food!"

She smiles. Usually, a careless woman is always gentle and clever around the person she likes.

"Shen Shu, don't you and Mr. Fu plan to have another one?" Walking together, it's hard to avoid chatting, she asked.

She smile, but did not say more, and I went downstairs.

After all, the corridor of the restaurant is not so spacious. After all, I have had enough to eat. I supported her and said, "I'll accompany you downstairs for a walk. There is a big garden behind the restaurant with flowers planted in it. Although there are not many in this season, walking doesn't affect it."

See me come out, she Leng Leng, said with a smile, "it's OK, I'll walk outside, will go in."

She got up and went out. She didn't seem to be pregnant with her seven month old stomach. Maybe because of her loose clothes, she was a little small.

This way how to see people feel a little too much, I pursed my lips, some unhappy, but not good attack.

Finish saying, she then gets up to walk toward the outside, Shen Yu presses a root to seem not to put on the heart the same.

"No!" Hu Ya opened her mouth and said with a smile, "I'll just go out for a walk myself."

I can't help frowning and saying, "Shen Yu, help Miss Hu for a walk."

After sitting for a long time, Hu Ya was pregnant and had to get up for a walk. She was holding a chair to get up. I reached for it and saw Shen Yu holding a mobile phone. I didn't know what she was doing.

When I nodded, I couldn't help sighing that everything in the world is good or bad. It's not outsiders who decide, it's myself.

She said with a smile, "it's dangerous, but I heard that the old man's husband insisted that she should be born. Their son left in an accident two years ago. The black haired man gave the white haired man away. The arrival of these two children is a surprise for the two old men."

I Leng Leng, not from curiosity, "this is the elderly maternal, production is not dangerous?"

Even Hu ya, who always spoke little, said, "a few days ago, I went to the prenatal examination, and an aunt I had been queuing with was over 60. I thought she was queuing for her daughter-in-law. I didn't know that she was pregnant, six months old, or twins until I entered the B-ultrasound room with her."

They are all familiar people. After Chen Xing's episode, everyone chatted with each other. They were all interesting things around them and things they met in their work.

I look up at him and smile.

In front of the bowl and chopsticks has been filled with food, obviously want me to finish.

Fu Shenyan held his hand tightly, his voice was gentle, and his eyes were also gentle. "Eat more and get fat."

Memories once, inevitably bad mood, I can not help but bow, some depressed.

Looking at her smile, I suddenly think of Muzi, she seems to be so straightforward character.

I was stunned and laughed, "when we adopted Siji, we decided to have only one child in Siji. If we had another child, her love would be divided for Siji and it would hurt her."

She frowned, a little puzzled, "how can you, if you have another child, Siji will be five years old now, and it's better to have a child with you? You give her enough sense of security before she is three years old, and the child will not have any idea at all. "

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