He had picked me up and put me to bed. I thought he was too nervous. He said with a smile, "I'm ok!"

He didn't speak, just let me lie down, and then went downstairs for a trip. He has been tossing since he got up in the morning. I think that he was too busy in the company to touch the ground, and he had to take care of me and Siji when he came back.

The little guy is lying on the carpet with his hands clutching his chin and his feet shaking. He is reading her cartoon seriously.

He is smiling, speechless, continue to do things in hand, give him to pour water, I can't help looking at the four seasons next to the screen.

I smile, "I want to get around."

I put down the book in my hand, got up, took his cup, he raised his eyes, eyes fell on me, smile, "I'll come by myself later!"

When he stopped, he reached out to lift the water glass beside the table to drink. When the glass was delivered to his mouth, he found that the water in the glass had been finished. He frowned slightly. It was only a moment later that he put down the glass and continued to be busy.

The fingers are pounding on the keyboard quickly, and the eyes are serious and attentive. A man is born strong and handsome. When he is serious, it seems that the light of the world gathers on him, which is particularly attractive.

I nestled in the cradle to read a book for a while. When I lifted my eyes, I saw that Fu Shenyan was still dealing with the company's affairs.

Time passed leisurely, Fu Shenyan although rest, but still have to deal with the company's affairs.

Originally, I was going to send her to learn piano when she was three years old, but being too young was bad for her children's joints, so I just let her learn to dance and draw.

Because I don't want to have too much pressure on Siji, I didn't add anything to her in study. She is only five years old. I didn't think about how much burden I would add, so I spent all my energy on her interest.

Siji didn't learn many words, so he basically read comics and pictures.

Specially designed a children's starry sky study for her, exquisite and dreamy, very beautiful.

Worried that it would be unsafe for Siji to play alone downstairs, Fu Shenyan took her to her study.

Therefore, Fu Shenyan designed his study to be extra large. The books and materials collected in the study were basically with his heart.

New villa study decoration and the previous villa has a certain gap, taking into account the four seasons.

He picked eyebrows, stretched out his hand to pull me, and took me directly to the study.

Knowing that he was worried about me, I nodded and thought, "I want to read in my study. Are you going?"

He knew better than I did. He didn't force me to drink. He just put the bowl on the table in the bedroom and said, "it's cold later. You can have some."

These days, although no longer vomiting, but once you eat too much, or stomach upset, easy to retch.

Looking at the dark red thing in his hand, I shook my head and looked up at him. "I just had breakfast, but I can't eat it now."

As soon as I got to the door, I met Fu Shenyan. He had brown sugar eggs in his hand. I knew for a moment that I thought he was going downstairs for breakfast. I didn't want to

Simply, I got out of bed and went to the study to find some books. It's always good.

There is no way to fall asleep. It's cold outside. It's not good to go out. It's boring to stay at home.

I can't help blaming myself. I seem to have made trouble for him again.

Look at serious, read a page, and then turn to the next page when the mouth is probably a little dry, licked his mouth, and then continue to see.

I couldn't help laughing, this one big one small, really like, also poured water to her.

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