After getting out of bed and washing, she went downstairs and saw that sister-in-law Zhang had already made a table of delicious food. When she saw me, she said with a narrow smile, "wake up, come and have a taste. I've made several dishes. You like that taste. I'll bring them to you often in the future."

I looked around, but I didn't see Fu Shenyan. I sat down on the table and looked at the delicious food all over the table. For a moment, I was stunned. I looked at Sister Zhang and said, "Sister Zhang, is this too much?"

Under the pressure of bitterness, I walked up to Lu Xinran and said with disgust, "next time, I'll play a little bit of tricks. Miss Lu, have you ever seen anyone push so far? Besides, I'm still pregnant. "


Naively, I was blinded by the sweetness he gave these days. I really thought he was my own lover.

This sentence is neither light nor heavy, but it's like pouring a basin of cold water on me. Looking at Fu Shenyan, I said with a smile, "I'm really naive!"

Fu Shenyan's face was cold. His black eyes fell on Lu Xinran's forehead. His deep eyes were filled with cold ice. "Shen Shu, do things in a proper way!"

Don't bother to pay attention to him, I looked at Fu Shenyan's cold face and said, "I said I didn't push her, do you believe it?"

Do I go too far?

"Xinran, are you ok?" Qiao Jinyan helped Lu Xinran up and said angrily, "Shen Shu, don't go too far."

It's a shame not to act.

And I, intact and condescending, stood in front of Lu Xinran.

When Fu Shenyan and Qiao Jinyan come in in a hurry, the scene they see is Lu Xinran lying on the ground, with a large amount of blood on his forehead.

Before I had time to respond, Lu Xinran threw away my hand fiercely, and then he ran into the desk, his strength is not light.

"You..." She wanted to say something else, but a rush of footsteps came in from outside the office.

Looking at her raised hand again, I raised my hand to stop it. My voice was a little cold. "Miss Lu, you can't be a man without a bottom line. When you're a small three, you're still so arrogant. Is your face no different from the Great Wall?"

About the kids?

I lied to her?

"Shen Shu, you lied to me, you lied to me?" Pulling at me, Lu Xinran's face twisted a little terrifying.

For a long time, I narrowed my eyes and looked at the woman who was so angry that her face was distorted. I just felt that I had accumulated a lot of anger.

I just feel a burning pain in my face.

The whole office is quiet!

There was a bang.

I just feel in front of a flower, have not seen clearly, a slap has been heavily slapped in my face.

Fortunately, I didn't meet Qiao Jinyan in the company. When I got off the elevator, I was grabbed by my wrist and pulled her around.

It's hard to refuse her, so I picked it up.

After eating a few simple mouthfuls, I was ready to go out. Seeing that I ate less, Mrs. Zhang was afraid that I was hungry, so she took some fruit in a food box and gave it to me.

Considering that I'm not very lucky recently, I always meet Qiao Jingyan's poisonous tongue. He always sees me late, which is not good either.

"When I went to the company, someone has been calling my husband for a long time, urging him to go to the company." Listening to Mrs. Zhang's nagging, I nodded, ate and planned today's work.

"Where did he go?" I didn't see Fu Shenyan when I woke up.

She shook her head with a smile, "not much, not much, pregnant women should eat more, sir said you eat too little, you have to eat more."


"Pa!" Don't give her the chance to speak, I slap down, hand is a little painful, looking at her face, I smile, "this is back to you, since want to be a little three, have a little three moral cultivation, don't come here to be a clown."

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