He took back his hand, raised his thin lips, took out some notes from his wallet, folded them in half and stuffed them into Zhou ranxi's plump chest.

Smile, gentleman incomparable, "you lucky performance tips, I have a habit of cleanliness, you can not lay hands on this kind of bus, this money is enough for you to take a taxi back."

I nodded and looked at him with certainty and said, "Fu Shenyan, our life has passed one third. We can see and understand a lot of things. Therefore, daily necessities are life."

He looked at me, eyes deep without low, "you trust me so?"

I pause and think, "in fact, it's not without hostility, but I know that you have me in your heart, because you are sure enough that you love me, so I know that even if there are many people who miss you, I'm not afraid, because you will come back."

"Zhou ran Xi!"

I am a Leng, subconsciously ask, "who?"

Fu Shenyan didn't rush to start the car, just a pair of black eyes motionless looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, you don't seem to be so hostile to her?"

In the car.

I nodded, took him and said with a smile, "OK, let's go, let's go home."

Silent for a long time, Fu Shenyan sighed and compromised. He raised his hand to call the waiter of the Imperial City, explained a few words, looked at me and said, "is that ok?"

After all, the road of life is long. For those peach blossoms around me, I think Fu Shenyan knows better than me how to solve them.

But those words were listened to by me, so, I still moved the heart of compassion, Fu Shenyan's excellent, will be remembered, is also common sense.

My understanding of Zhou ranxi is only a few meetings. If I've never heard those words from Liu Yue, I won't care about tonight.

Part of it.


Seeing that he was going to leave, I held him and said, "I didn't sympathize with her, Fu Shenyan. She is an employee of Fu's company. You just praised the employee at the annual meeting. If something happens to her, it's not only her but also Fu's company. Just find someone to send her back. It's good to ensure her safety. Everything else is OK."

I'm Fu Shenyan's bottom line. His anger comes from Zhou ranxi's malice to me.

I can understand why Fu Shenyan is angry, because Zhou ranxi's words, sarcasm or ridicule, all touch Fu Shenyan's bottom line.

Fu Shenyan frowned and his eyes fell on me. His face sank slightly. "Shen Shu, she doesn't deserve your sympathy."

I thought about it and said, "Fu Shenyan, she needs someone to send her back!"

The eyebrows are not as sharp as they were just now. Picking the eyebrows, "what's the matter?"

When I got to the door, I stopped. Fu Shenyan also stopped and looked back at me.

Zhou ranxi's beauty and figure are the best of the best. Besides, she was naked just now. I'm afraid she will be watched.

Even if the nightclub is high-end and clean, there will be people who can't be seen, and people who teach and learn will come and go.

After that came the heartbreaking cry. Following Fu Shenyan, I looked back and saw a group of people around Zhou ranxi.

Fu Shenyan got up, put his wallet into his pocket gracefully, reached for me and walked towards the door.

She looked at Fu Shenyan, curled eyelashes on the condensation of water, slowly falling.

Soul and self-esteem are trampled on.

Fu Shenyan's words are nothing more than mixing her with the street girl in the red light district.

Zhou ran Xi's face turned white in an instant.

The stabbing of a blazing knife is mostly skin pain, but the sarcastic words are more painful than the blazing knife.

He was silent for a long time, no longer spoke, started the car, speechless all the way.

I realize there is nothing wrong with this, but I always feel that he seems to be a little too silent.

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