It seldom snows in Huadu, but it's raining all the time. It's hard to walk in the mud in the suburbs.

The scene has been isolated by the police, just arrived at the gate of the factory, a middle-aged man in uniform welcomed out.

Shen Yu thought I was worried about the four seasons, looked at me and comforted, "don't worry too much. If you can find the snowball, the police should soon find the four seasons."

After sitting in the car for a while, Shen Yu and Shen Changlin came back, got on the car and saw me sitting in a daze.

After listening to several people deliberating together for a while, I got up and stopped listening. I took a look at Fu Shenyan, who was silent all the time, and turned to go out.

I can't help but feel a little cold in my heart.

I looked at the snowball on the ground and squinted at Cheng Junyu.

"It's been abandoned for many years. There can't be monitoring."

Shen Yu looked around and said to the leading policeman, "is there any monitoring around here?"

One side of the forensic said, "the dog is poisoned, the time of death is not more than 12 hours."

Comforted me, he got up and went to the body of snowball, looked at the snowball.

He shook his head, looked at me firmly and said, "believe me, no one can hurt Siji."

I pursed my lips, tears have been out of order, voice choked, "will they hurt four seasons?"

After that, he put me on the chair, patted my hand and said, "don't worry, no news is the best news. If you can find the snowball, you will find the four seasons soon."

Fortunately, Fu Shenyan's eyes were quick and quick. He hugged me and looked at the snowball. He frowned and said, "this dog is pulled by four seasons."

Looking at the snow ball lying on the ground without breath, I was almost instantly taken away all my strength, and the whole person fell down.

My legs are a little soft, and I've been shaking since I came in.

Shen Changlin naturally did not know snowball. He looked back at me and said, "Xiao Shu, come and have a look."

After entering the factory, the leader looked at Shen Changlin and said, "Mr. Shen, you see, this is it. You see if it's the puppy that the child pulled when he lost."

The leader shook his head and sighed, "that's what we thought at the beginning, but after we found the footprints, there were many stray dogs in the neighborhood, and it rained again. They were basically destroyed. Most of the farmland in the neighborhood is not easy to find out."

Fu Shenyan nodded, "it didn't rain for long. The footprints around here can continue to follow."

The leading man saw that he was extraordinary and said, "we found a lot of footprints around during the search and rescue, so we followed him and found them."

"How did you find the dog?" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth and scanned the old factory.

With the police in a hurry into the factory, many things are old. Although they have been protected, they still look like things in many places are crumbling.

Everything in the factory is old and dilapidated. It seems that it has been abandoned for a long time.

Shen Changlin nodded and didn't say much. As he walked, he was reserved. My legs were soft and I was scared to death.

Looking at Shen Changlin, he said, "Mr. Shen, you've come here. We've been looking around these two days. All the traffic routes of Huadu are strictly guarded. Yesterday we began to search all the factories of Huadu like a carpet. The child didn't find it, but found a white dog. You go first and see if it was pulled by the child when he lost."

I pursed my lips, looked up at him and said, "maybe I'm looking for the wrong direction?"

He a Leng, vision falls on me, doubt, "what meaning?"

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