I turned on the light and looked around the bedroom. I didn't see Fu Shenyan's voice. There were cigarette butts all over the balcony. It seems that he smoked a lot.

No one. I went out of the bedroom barefoot. Maybe he will be in the study.

The heart is blunt, a little uncomfortable.

I sat in the bathtub, a little dizzy, drooping eyes sitting in a daze.

My clothes have been all wet, he directly carried me into the bathroom, opened the shower, silently for me to untie the clothes on the body.

I bowed my head, tears or do not fight to drop, "I did not torture you, I just heartache."

He did not speak, pulled me down from the balcony, brow twisted very deep, some helpless way, "Shen Shu, some responsibilities I can't push away, don't take you and children torture me, OK?"

I Leng for a while, lift Mou to look at him, opened mouth, "are you happy?"

"Are you happy with me?"

His eyes were gloomy and cold, and he seemed very angry.

When I heard the crackling sound in my bedroom, I looked up. I didn't know when Fu Shenyan was standing beside me.

I don't know if I've been in the rain for a long time. I just feel dizzy and numb. The pain in my heart seems numb. My body is cold and numb.

Some pain, in addition to their teeth through, no one can help you, no obligation to help you.

There is nothing bitter before sweet in this world. How can things in fairy tales be taken seriously.

Kneeling on the ground, I put my hands around me, face between my legs, tears began to flow wantonly.

Do not go to see him, I turned back to the bedroom, the balcony of the wind and rain is too much, I walked over, standing on the tuyere, let the heavy rain fall on the body, the body's touch cold, heart pain slowly numb.

Can not stay, I can not stop him running to love it!

I said, "go!"

"Shen Shu!"

I nodded, heart or some pain, "she fell down, to see it!"

Fu Shenyan frowned and instinctively wanted to see it, but he stopped after a few steps. He raised his eyes and looked up. When he saw me, his eyes were deep. "Wake up?"

"Ah The sound came from the guest room. It was a fall.


Later, I slowly found that there would not be a busy day here. I didn't even know when there would be Lu Xinran's clothes in the villa.

When my grandfather bought this villa, he said that this villa is big. Fu Shenyan and I will have more children and many spacious rooms.

Lu Xinran nodded and entered the guest room.

I stood at the top of the stairs and watched the conversation silently.

"In the guest room, what you brought before is still there!"

Lu Xinran nodded, looked at him and said, "I didn't change my clothes."

For a long time, Fu Shenyan seemed to compromise and said, "take a bath first!"

Lu Xinran's appearance is too delicate, especially when her clothes are wet and her hair is messy.

"No!" Lu Xinran raised the corner of his mouth and laughed very naively. "You know, I'm afraid of thunder."

"Go back!" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth, but his voice was helpless.

Lu Xinran's blue dress has been soaked through. She has red eyes and looks at Fu Shenyan who is one head higher than her.

But I think too much, downstairs in the lobby.

People who have been honest with each other for countless times, I am not embarrassed at this time, just let him continue.

For a long time, the bathroom was filled with warm fog, and the original cold temperature of my body began to heat up.

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