I stay in the hospital with Fu Shenyan. Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng leave. Fu Shenyan and Chen Yi call to explain the company's business.

I sat in silence, waiting for him to call, about half an hour later.

Fu Shenyan nodded, "it's OK!"

Stopped the car, he got off first, walked to Fu Shenyan, between two brothers, just looked, Joe cautious mouth, low voice, "OK?"

In addition, outside the villa, a black Land Rover came slowly. It was Joe's cautious car.

I pursed my lips slightly, but I didn't rush to promise. I just looked up at Fu Qingyin who was pulling Fu Shenyan to ask the East and the West.

Lin Wan looks at Mo Zhicheng and seems to ask him what he means. Mo Zhicheng looks at me and says in a deep voice, "this year we've been together. Film and Zhizhou are also here. The whole family is busy together."

I slightly Leng for a while, thought to think a way, "you ask Fu Shenyan's opinion."

Mo Zhicheng and Lin Wan looked at me and hesitated for a long time. Lin Wan said, "Shen Shu, it's new year's Eve soon. You and general manager Fu live together, but it's not lively. Otherwise, if you're afraid of running far away, your father and I will come to your side, OK?"

Back to the villa, a group of people have been waiting at the door of the villa, Fu Qingyin as one of the first, pull Fu Shenyan asked the specific situation.

From Huadu to Beijing, the time is not far, just four hours flight time.


I nodded, and the nurse gave me some lists, all of which were the ointments I needed to take after I was discharged.

After checking his wound and other conditions, the doctor said, "the scar has scabbed. It's no big problem. If it itches these days, try not to scratch it with your hands, otherwise it will hurt the wound and affect the recovery."

I was stunned and wanted to say something, but the doctor came in.

He chuckled, "Shen Shu, if we always carry the past things, then our next road will be very difficult."

After thinking about it, I said, "although Fu Nanying's affair has no direct relationship with the Mo family, it's really because of the Mo family's accident. You have a bad feeling towards the Mo family. I can understand that life is so long, I don't have to embarrass myself."

How to say?

He frowned, looked at me, a little surprised, "how can you say that all of a sudden?"

I nodded, somehow, looking at him and asked, "Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng, if you don't want to accept it, I can't communicate with them."

He was stunned for a moment, slightly shook his head, "no, I said hello to the prison side, nothing will happen."

Thinking of the afternoon, I couldn't help looking at him and said, "are you still worried about Cheng Junyu?"

How can not worry, although on the back, such a large scar, even if you can not see, but it is left behind traces.

He chuckled, pulled me into his arms and said, "it's almost done. Don't worry."

Pulling him, I said, "the doctor will come and change the medicine later, and then I can go to bed."

He raised his hand, especially gentle.

I shake my head, smile, "it's OK, it's not in the way."

Noticing that his eyes fell on my face, I realized that he was talking about the scar on my face.

He took the book in my hand, looked at me and said, "Chen Yi has found the best ointment. Let's go back and use it. It shouldn't be long before it's all right."

He turned off the phone and frowned slightly.

Maybe he already knows about Huadu. After all, he has been together for several years. We all know how they are.

A group of people entered the hall. Fu Qingyin seems to have been here these days, taking care of everything and settling in very well.

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