The air was silent for a while. It was Fu Shenyan with a kind of cold voice. "Xinran, I said that you should not make any decision because of me. Shen Shu is pregnant. If you want to stay in Jiangcheng, I will be responsible for your life, but I can't be responsible for your feelings. I have my own family!"

"Family?" Lu Xinran's voice was a little sharp, "what about me? My brother handed me over to you, and I... "

Lu Xinran seems to think his theory is very correct. He cries as he says, "you know Shen Shu loves you, but you don't love her. After a long time, she will collapse. This is not what a woman wants."

He gave me a look and motioned me to continue listening.

I hold my forehead, "Dr. Cheng!"

"I'm not in good health recently. Please show me if it will affect the children!" See his face pale listening to the next office.

"What's the matter?" That's what he said, but he didn't look at me. Instead, he continued to listen carefully to the voice in Fu Shenyan's office.

"No!" Afraid that he would not believe me, I said, "I have something to look for you!"


Cheng Junyu also heard, a pair of handsome eyebrows look at me, pick eyebrows, "eavesdropping?"

"Brother Shenyan, I know you don't love Shen Shu. A marriage without love will destroy a person. Although you have children, this child will not bring you happiness. Instead, it will become a gap that you can never cross. You will be entangled all your life because of this child!"

"Looking for you!" He vomited two words, but before he spoke, Lu Xinran's voice continued to come from Fu Shenyan's office.

I was stunned, so this product was sleeping just now?

"What are you doing here?" When the cold voice rang out, I came back to see Cheng Junyu come out of the office with a tired face.

I low eyes, can not help but feel sad, people fall in love, there is no self.

In this voice, it's praying, compromise, a girl's humble.

Don't want to, Fu Shenyan office, Lu Xinran's voice continues to spread, "Shenyan brother, I beg you, let me stay with you, I don't ask you to do anything, after you want to do, what to do, I listen to you, don't leave me, these years I can't leave you."

Silence, no movement, I think this is the end, see Cheng Junyu has not come out, I had to go back home.

"Do you love her?" Lu Xinran said, his voice trembling. "You don't love her at all, just because she is pregnant. You think you have children, and you have the responsibility to protect them. Fu Shenyan, you don't understand yourself at all. You don't love Shen Shu, but you are responsible. Just like you used to do to me, because of responsibility, you will protect me!"

"Lu Yan didn't ask me to marry you. Happily, we will all have our own life to go in the end." Fu Shenyan's words are cold and heartless.

"Miss Lu is not me. How can I know that this is not what I want?" I can't listen any more. Besides, Cheng Junyu is still there. I went to the door of Fu Shenyan's office and looked at Lu Xinran coldly. "Unfortunately, Miss Lu, even though my husband doesn't love me, we already have children, which means that he and I have become a real family. Miss Lu may have been a non cannibal person for a long time and don't know everything about the world, so Only then thought the human world's husband and wife must have the love to be able to continue

"You..." My sudden appearance surprised both Lu Xinran and Fu Shenyan. But just for a moment, Lu Xinran looked at me and said, "do you really think a child can keep him?"

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