If you want to cry, you can't cry out. The child's name is Gu Hanqi, Annan, not his surname.

Be content with the south.

Her husband sighed, probably thinking that she was a little suspicious.

She raised her voice for a moment and said, "I'm not blind. It's true. I got up in the morning to read the news from my friends. It's not on the news yet, but it will be on soon. I don't believe you'll wait and see."

"Don't listen to that," her husband said as he was busy

"A young girl committed suicide in Leshan cemetery last night. It's a pity." The words were full of regret.

When I went downstairs to buy breakfast, I heard the boss of baozi shop chatting with her husband.

The next day.

The memory is torn open, the pain is tearing.

I wake up from my dream with tears in my eyes. I can't dream for a long time.

Back to the apartment, I had a long sleep. In my dream, I vaguely saw the child waving goodbye to me.

Jingcheng is not my destination in the end. This time, I just came to see my children.

When I was shocked, I didn't think much.

When she told me this, I was a little stunned. I didn't understand why she said this to a stranger.

Therefore, grandma gave her the bitterness and pain in her life by abusing and beating her. When she was young, she finally chose the most extreme way to end her life in front of her father's tomb.

Grandma is a godmother. She earns money by making fortune telling for others. That is to say, her existence makes grandma's originally unhappy life more and more difficult.

But sometimes, joy will be sad, disaster, with her father, her mother because she can't afford to be sad, with her brother remarried, left her to grandma.

She told me a story about a girl, an 8-year-old child. She had a happy family. Her mother, father, brother and family of four had a very good life.

When I left the cemetery, the girl had not left. She didn't seem willing to leave.

I do not speak, shallow low eyes.

She looked at me, eyes or red, "you see, life is the blink of an eye."

"Full term!" Maybe longer.

Slightly Leng Leng, opening a way, "how old?"

When she looked sideways, she noticed the picture on the tombstone. Although it was a little blurred, she could probably see that it was a child.

I smile, "come and see the baby!"

For a long time, the woman stopped crying, noticed me, slightly stunned, but hoarse voice began, "you..."

Comfort is futile, I chose silence, just watching her cry, some empty heart, how can I have no tears?

I looked sideways at the tombstone in front of her. It was a middle-aged woman. I thought it was her mother.

On one side, someone was crying in a low voice. She was looking at a woman about thirty years old.

I escaped for so many years. I thought I could let go, but I couldn't.

He leaned his forehead against the grave and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, son. Mom is coming to see you now."

I squatted in front of the grave and pulled it out carefully to clean up the mess around.

In front of the tombstone, the child's picture is blurred, and the front of the grave is covered with weeds.

The couple have a tacit understanding, one for customers to pack buns, the other to collect money, but it does not delay any customer's time.

When I saw the news about the woman's suicide, I saw it after I went back to my apartment. I cut my wrists and committed suicide.

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