For a moment, I pushed the person away. I'm not sure why this person suddenly became like this.

When I reached for my breath, I was relieved. Fortunately, I was still breathing. Maybe I was just in a temporary coma.

A few people crowded in the hole and began to introduce themselves. The other three women came from different places.

There are only five girls in total. Except for Ouyang Nuo and me, we don't know each other's names.

Into the hole, the sky has been completely dark, and then the dark night, barely find a safe place to sit down.

However, women's bodies are petite, and climbing in is not a big problem.

Fortunately, after walking for a long time, we found a big tree. It seemed that a big hole had been dug under the root of the tree.

There was no fire. I ran in an emergency when I came out. There were no clothes or basic food.

Ouyang Nuo looked at us, kept silent for a while, nodded and said, "OK, let's find a place to rest for a night first."

This is not unreasonable. At first, the mountain road was good. There were traces of people walking in the mountain. But after walking for several hours, I found that the mountain forest seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and there were almost no traces of human beings.

It's getting dark, and some women are worried, "or we'd better find a place to rest. If we continue to walk, I'm afraid we'll meet wild animals in the mountains. It's miserable."

Where in the world is it so easy to say? I don't know how long I've been walking around, crossing another mountain from one mountain.

But still sighed, "go on, I don't believe we can't get out of this mountain."

Ouyang Nuo looked around the endless mountains, help the amount, it is estimated that, like me, some of the collapse.

"God, how can we go out? So many people go up." A woman spoke in surprise.

Therefore, there is no end to it.

Just over a mountain, when standing on the high side to see another mountain, I almost stopped eating.

All the way along the mountain, there is no mountain road, four or five girls walked all the way for a long time.

I haven't recovered for half a sound. I'm a little stunned. I can't help but feel that this girl is really too powerful.

"In the shower gel!" She simply said, "a rare kind of sweat medicine, Bath Gel Wash on the body, as long as they touch you, they will faint."

I nodded, followed her up, more behind him, has not quite understand the way, "when we take a bath, how to take medicine?"

"In the shower!" She opened her mouth, raised her eyes and looked at the sky. She frowned and said, "it's going to be dark. We have to hurry out of the mountain."

I can't help frowning, "when did you get off?" I don't seem to have seen when she took the medicine.

Ouyang Nuo tidied up the mud and weeds on his shoes and said, "I gave them some medicine."

Just now the spirit is tight, at this time idle down, I just look to the Ouyang Nuo way, "why do those people suddenly faint?"

There is no road in the mountain forest. We almost walk the mountain road all the way.

Ouyang Nuo's physical strength seemed to be a little weak. He looked back at the women behind him, nodded slightly and said, "OK, let's have a rest."

After running for about an hour, several women couldn't walk any more and began to say, "let's have a rest for a while!"

I didn't think too much, just follow them along the mountain road.

Look at me and say, "go!"

I got up and ran out. I saw several other women coming out. Ouyang Nuo had a knife in his hand.

"Shen Shu!" Ouyang Nuo's voice came from outside.

One of the thin and dark girls is Yang ting from the southwest city, and the other is Shi Rui from the coastal area. She is about thirty-five-six years old. Some of them are fat, maybe because of the heavy moisture. Her cheeks, especially on both sides of her mandible, are full of acne for a long time. Some of them are purulent and white, and some of them are still red .

There is also a woman from the southwest area of rural areas, called Duan Tong. Some of them are slightly fat with medium hair. Chuanzi's eyebrows make her look at least ten years older than her actual age.

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