"I'll drive!" It's not far from the airport, it's only half an hour away, and there's no traffic jam at this time, so it's not long.

Fortunately, there were few people, so there was not much time to get the boarding pass and go through the security check. After getting on the plane, Chen Xing asked the stewardess for a blanket and went on sleeping.

It's very efficient and bold.

I nodded and looked at the report on his computer. I had to admit that Chen Xing was an excellent leader in terms of working ability.

He suddenly raised his head, Leng Leng, then nodded a little blankly, drank a glass of water, then looked at me clearly and said, "wake up!"

I took a glass of water, put it next to him and said, "take a break!"

For a long time, from the bedroom, Chen Xing lying on the desk looking at the document, probably too focused, did not notice me.

It's not a good habit to go to bed just after eating. I sat on the bed for a while, and my stomach and stomach were not very good.

It seems that he has no rest and has been dealing with these things.

I am a Leng, get up to go out, see Chen Xing sitting on the sofa, face serious open document, from time to time in the computer record.

But it wasn't long before I fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw that I was covered with a quilt, and there was the sound of documents turning in the living room.

So I went directly into the bedroom, turned on the air conditioner, and lay on the bed waiting for Chen Xing to finish eating and go, so that I could take a bath and then sleep.

Seeing that he was still eating, I didn't say much. I was really tired. The hotel room was home style, and the bedroom and living room were separate.

After a simple meal, I got up to go to another room to have a rest. He looked at me and said, "you can have a rest here. I'll go there later."

So they were all sent to a room. I got up early in the morning, didn't say much on the plane, and had a meeting in the branch office to arrange work. After a few hours, I was really tired and hungry.

"Well!" Chen Xing and I went into the room. Originally, we ordered two rooms, but Chen Xing ordered a meal. There was no need to eat separately for such a meal.

The hotel was ordered in advance. After entering the hotel, the waiter took us to the floor and said, "your meal has been delivered. If you need anything, you can call the front desk directly."

He was so meticulous that I was surprised and nodded slightly.

"Inconvenient!" He opened his mouth, sorted out the information, looked at me and said, "I ordered a meal and asked them to deliver it to the hotel directly. After a while, you can have a rest."

I looked at a pile of papers in his arms and said, "don't you plan to do it in the company?"

Then he contacted the finance department and held a small meeting with several departments. Then Chen Xing and the finance department joined hands and held a lot of information. Chen Xing and I went out of the company together.

They are all companies under Fu's company. Their operation mode and management organization are similar. When they enter the company, the division of labor is very important. President Wang Hui and his colleagues have a few words.

I didn't think much about it. I got up and followed him off the plane in a daze. The branch sent a car to pick him up, so I went to the branch without much torture.

That sounds awkward.

When I woke up, Chen Xing looked at me like a dog and said, "go to the branch office first, deal with things well, and then we go to the hotel to sleep."

Jiangcheng to a city for three hours, I also sleep on the plane for a while.

After writing the report, he closed and nodded. Then he leaned on the sofa, rubbed his eyes and said, then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He put the back of his hand on his forehead and said with some weariness, "President Wang of your branch called and said that he would invite you to dinner in the evening."

Looking at his sleepy face, I nodded, "well, why don't you go back to your room and sleep for a while?"

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