He went out of the room with him. When he came downstairs, under the dim light, Danwei's tall and fierce body stood in the hall, looking at us motionlessly.

I stopped and said, "Danwei!"

"Transfer to another plane, please don't delay, hurry up!"

About a few hours later, the plane stopped. It was at an airport. The flight took so long that I didn't know where it was.

See a few staff helped Ouyang Nuo into the operation cabin, I really can't do anything for a time, can only watch.

I broke out in a cold sweat and wanted to help. I was stopped. "Miss Shen, our people will deal with it. Please sit down first and don't affect other staff members!"

Half way, Ouyang Nuo covered his stomach, his face was ferocious, and his forehead was sweating.

The plane took off!

I nodded and went back to my position. Although I was worried about Ouyang Nuo, the most important thing at this time was to go first.

The man paused and said, "Mr. Mu will join us in Europe. Let's go first, or no one will be able to leave."

"Where's Mu Shen?" I looked back at him and asked.

One side of the man said, "sit back in your seat, don't move, the plane is about to take off."

She opened her eyes weakly, looked at me, opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but because of her voice, she couldn't speak for a moment.

Into the plane, see Ouyang Nuo face some pale, I can't help but to her way, "Ouyang Nuo, how are you?"

Ouyang Nuo several people were helped on the plane, I can't help but have some doubts, but for a moment, I can't think of any doubts.

I subconsciously look back to the direction of the villa, has been invisible, only thick smoke rising in the air.

"Get on the plane! Speed The man standing at the door of the cabin yelled.

In front of a few cars are ouyangnuo and them. Similarly, they are also taken out of the car.

Then, almost without waiting for my reaction, he jumped out of the car and took me out of the car almost rudely.

I was stunned, the car stopped, the driver in front of the mouth, "get off!"

It's the airport, helicopter!

It seems that the sound of weapons behind is still the same. The other party doesn't want to give up at all. After entering the mountain forest, the car drives to an open space.

The rough mountain road made me dizzy, tumbling and retching several times.

The opposite direction of the car is the sound of weapons and thunder. It's going to rain.

The car didn't go in the direction of the rubber forest, but from the mountain forest behind the villa.

He looked at me and nodded!

Maybe Bao Kun came back. I was a little flustered for a moment. Looking at Mu Shen, I couldn't speak. I just said, "pay attention to safety!"

Mu Shen pushed me into the car, looked at the driver and said, "take them first!"

Coming out of the villa, there were three black cars. As soon as we got on the bus, the sound of weapons came from outside the rubber forest.

He didn't speak, just a light look at Mu Shen.

I hesitated for a moment, turned back or spoke with him, said, "thank you!"

I thought that Danwei would stop me, but I didn't think that he just stood by and watched me leave.

"Let's go!" Mu Shen just took a look at him, then opened his mouth and pulled me out.

Then I got off the plane, changed to the plane on the airport, and went up directly without going through the security check.

I can't help but wonder. Did Mu Shen take care of all these in advance?

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