I was stunned, looking at Jun's angry face, some were scared, don't know what to say, just motionless looking at him, some lost consciousness.

He seemed to realize that his action just now was too angry. He took a breath slightly and pressed down his anger. His dark eyes fell on me and said, "when did you go to Myanmar? Why did you go? What happened in Myanmar? I want to know how you came back. "

I pursed my lips, but I couldn't breathe in my heart. I took a faint breath and said, "then you'll take it as if I've never loved you."

His face was gloomy, and his dark eyes were still looking at me. "You can say these words so easily. Have you never considered my feelings from my position? Or because I've never loved? "

"Fu Shenyan, I haven't thought of staying with you since I left Beijing. The reason why I didn't mention divorce is that in my opinion, we left five years ago. After all, if we were absent from work for three days, we would automatically leave. If we were separated for three years, we would automatically divorce. All these have legal efficiency. Therefore, to a certain extent, we are dead in name."

I sat down on a side chair and watched the breeze rippling across the river and swaying willows.

Four eyes opposite, the man's eyes deep and bright, with a bit of warmth and firm, "OK!"

But this is not what we are going to talk about now. Looking at him, I looked serious and said, "Fu Shenyan, I originally wanted to leave in a quiet way, but now it doesn't seem to work. Duan Tong's words, I shouldn't have said to you, but I said, since everything is like this, I'll talk about each other's affairs, it's not about each other, it's just us!"

I don't know, but I just came back, I can't find a better choice for a while.

After a moment's silence, he looked at me and said, "if you want to do what you like, I don't object to it, but Shen Shu, you are a married man and shouldn't live with Mu Shen. Once someone notices, the disturbance will be more out of control than we think."

He listened quietly, including what happened to him in Myanmar, and even what happened to Duan Tong because of me. He said it word for word.

Some things, bit by bit of experience, also don't feel what, when you recall, you find that the original so difficult period of time, I have come, how lucky life.

"Yes!" I opened my mouth, looked at the shimmering River, and said, "after leaving the capital, I went to Jingcheng to see the child. Later I came to a city, and then I met Ang Lee. It was about five years ago. He didn't let go, so he found someone to frame me up..."

I've never seen him like this. He's angry, irritable, even helpless. He's helpless to me.

"What is nothing to say? Shen Shu, are you going to play me like a fool? Even if you don't like me, I'm still your husband, right? Does a husband have no right to know where his wife is? "

I Leng Leng, said, "it's all in the past, nothing to say."

He stood in front of me, tall and slender, almost blocking most of the light.

He pinched my wrist and it hurt. I didn't respond, so I let him pinch it.

"Fu Shenyan, everything has a shelf life, including feelings. Sometimes I'm cheap. When I can't get it, I'll try my best to chase it. But when I get it, I don't think it's anything. Let's not talk about your trampling on me in the past three years. It's just that you designed my own mother and killed my children. I can't help anything Let go, I hate you too late, so it's impossible to continue to live with you, let alone love you. "

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