Give it back to Mr. Fu!

The woman meant it.

It seems to see her talk less, Ouyang Nuo simply talked with Fu Shenyan and said, "Mr. Fu, I have to introduce me to you. My name is Ouyang Nuo. I'm Shen Shu's good friend. Last time we met, but I'm in a hurry. I didn't introduce myself to you."

Zhou ranxi nodded slightly, and his face moved a little unnaturally.

How do I think this girl has something to say!

"Ah Ouyang Nuo deliberately made an exaggerated expression and said, "my mother said that girls must have a certain goal to find a boyfriend. I think a beautiful and talented woman like you should find someone like Mr. Fu, who looks like a perfect match. I don't believe you. Look at Shen Shu and Mr. Fu, they look like a perfect match when they are together."

This problem, let Zhou ranxi subconsciously took a look at Fu Shenyan, then slightly bowed his head and said, "I don't know."

"No, it's so beautiful that you don't even have a boyfriend. Do you have anyone you like? No, I should ask you what kind of people you like! " Ouyang Nuo is definitely a talker.

Zhou ran Xi was a bit unnatural, pulled to wipe smile, opening a way, "no!"

Ouyang Nuo long Oh, the voice is very loud, "Miss Zhou is really too powerful, beautiful and capable, the world is stunning ah, you must have a boyfriend?"

Fu Shenyan raised his eyes to see me one eye, then light way, "she is the person in charge of Fu AI." It's a very simple introduction. There's hardly any superfluous words.

I am speechless. Is this man praising me or digging a hole for me?

Ouyang Nuo looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "Mr. Fu, is Miss Zhou your secretary? Good temperament, in addition to Shen Shu, I see such a beautiful woman for the first time

For a moment, embarrassment is inevitable.

Looking at Zhou ranxi, a natural beauty, you can't help but be curious to see more. Of course, it's not obscene. It's just curious and like to see beautiful women.

What's more, unlike Western restaurants or high-end restaurants, most of the people in these places are people with high self-cultivation. Most of the people who eat here are local tyrants with millions of family members. Most of them are ordinary people, so there's nothing particular about them.

In addition to her fashionable clothes today, the fragrant shoulder and beautiful back are all exposed. This one has become a scenery in this small restaurant.

With that, I went to look for the landlady. When I came back, I carried a high chair in my hand. The character of the stone pot fish table was not very high. Zhou ranxi, such a beautiful woman, seemed to be out of place in the high chair.

Ouyang Nuo saw, especially enthusiastic way, "is really sorry, did not consider Miss Zhou wear skirt, I let the landlady take a chair."

Stone pot fish stool is squat grass, some short, girls wear skirts to sit down very inconvenient.

Later, he warmly welcomed Fu Shenyan and Zhou ranxi to sit down.

Also very warm to the restaurant attendant said, "Hello, help me add two chopsticks, thank you!"

Originally thought that she just went out to show her face, but did not expect that she directly brought people into the restaurant.

I can't pretend that I didn't hear it. I raised my hand to say hello. I said hello.

She stretched out her hand and shook hands with Fu Shenyan. Fortunately, she could talk.

Ouyang Nuo talks a lot. After a meal, it's all she's talking about. It seems that she doesn't stop talking.

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