After them, I was a little confused and puzzled, but they walked too fast, so I had no chance to speak.

In the hall on the first floor, Mu Shen stepped forward quickly with a standard social smile on his face, "Mr. Fu, welcome!"

Zhou ranxi had already stood up. Seeing this, she said with a smile, "Mr. mu, you're welcome. If you can sit in this conference room together, you'll have to work together in the future. For a long time in the future, you and I will not be separated!"

I nodded, got up and took the teapot from the little secretary.

Mu Shen opened his mouth, looked at me coldly and said, "Secretary Shen, come on, there's no reason to let the guests pour tea."

In this way, it seems that Mu's people are stingy. Linda's face is not very good for a moment.

Zhou ranxi nodded and gave a gentle smile.

He looked at Zhou ranxi, who was sitting on one side, and said, "director Zhou, I'd like to trouble you for the tea work."

Fu Shenyan pick eyebrow, "just pour some tea, does not affect everyone's work, if you think my request is unreasonable, it doesn't matter."

I didn't speak, but Linda said, "Mr. Fu, I'm really sorry. As you know, Shen Shu is the Secretary of Mr. mu, but she is in charge of the project of Mr. Fu this time, so she needs to explain the specific plan to you later and connect with your Mr. Fu."

This words say puzzling, after a pause, he then opens a way, "Miss Shen doesn't mind pour tea for us?"

Fu Shenyan said, but he didn't speak. He just looked at the little secretary who was scalded and said, "if you get hurt, have a rest!"

Mu Shen frowned and said, "Mr. Fu, let's continue to discuss the case of Lanxi village."

"Hiss!" Maybe the atmosphere was a little tense. The secretary who poured the water scalded his hand. In the quiet atmosphere, this hoarseness was very clear.

I frown, this person how suddenly change the topic.

Fu's voice nodded and said thoughtfully, "no wonder you let her take over our Fu's project."

Mu Shen nodded, his eyes turned to me and said with a smile, "well, she just entered the company, but she has good ability."

Somehow, Fu Shenyan, who had been chatting with Mu Shen, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Mr. mu, I just looked at your staff list. Is this Miss Shen your secretary?"

I nodded, breathed, and went into the office. Linda arranged for the Secretary to pour the tea.

Linda walked next to me, saw a bit of duanmiao, and said, "it's working time. Other things can be put aside for a while. Don't be distracted."

Fu Shenyan and Mu Shen are implicit to each other. They are two people who have never communicated with each other. When they talk, they seem to be more familiar than acquaintances. This is the smiling face of the two shopping malls.

I lowered my head and followed Mu Shen. Occasionally, I raised my eyes and smile when I saw someone. From time to time, I guided Mu's people.

Let me just say that ordinary meetings don't require Mu Shen to come out in person.

Looking up, it happened that it was Fu Shenyan who brought a group of people in. They were all in suits and shoes, especially in spirit.

Mu deep smile, "that's natural, but we should do, I still want to do well."

Fu Shenyan also looked at her with a caring smile on his face and said, "well, since Secretary Shen has served us all, don't toss about. The foot injury is not good. Sit and have a good rest."

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