"Whoa, your house is still in the same state,"

"Enter the house, you will see some bullet holes. Not some but the whole ground floor filled with bullet holes."

"I am amazed they used guns,"

"They used their Traits too,"

"Traits huh..." Doc thought, "Oh! By Traits, I just remembered,"

"What?" Gwen asked.

"Monsters have a Trait of their own,"

"Hah?! What the heck?!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Oh my god, I don't even care about this world," Ryan muttered unlocking the door.

"Not Traits but they have their own abilities. I mean, only the advance, king, emperor beasts have. You know, like that TV show… ugh, what was that,"

"Pokemon," Ryan unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Yes~" Doc snapped her fingers, "Just like them. But we can't catch them and train them like pokemon. Some scientists even tried making poke balls to catch these monsters but it was like throwing a ball at the monster."

"The world is dumb," They stepped inside. 

"Do they need to use the spacesuit while going to other planets? Like to hunt?"

"No. Beasts can live there which means we humans can too."

"Doc, can you help me pack the crockery?"

"Oh, sure."

"I will get my room and my parent's room. Gwen, you can do whatever you want. Take the den, the basement, the living room. Now everyone, get to work."

They did. Ryan quickly started taking stuff that was important to him. Like his watches, his books, earpiece. He doesn't have a mobile so yeah. 

"Damn. you sure have a good collection of crockery~" Doc said as she started throwing the things in a black hole.

The black hole was emitting from the dimensional void cube. She continued throwing them without caring if they would crash with each other.

"What will you do with these?"

"Sell them," Ryan replied throwing his stuff in the void. He had a bag pack on, "I will get the documents," he said as he ran upstairs.

After two hours of grinding, they were able to get everything cleared up. Ryan was not taking much to Japan. He was planning on selling stuff whichever he could sell. 

They took a city bus to reach a brokerage company where he would sell his house. 

"You two wait outside… I will go and get this done quickly,"

"We gotta wait?" Gwen asked.

"Can't we come with you?"

He knew arguing with them would be useless, "No. so stay here," with that, he started walking. Got on an elevator, reached the house selling section.

Inside the broker firm, he showed the man in suit the papers with photos taken by a pro. They discussed the price, the area of his house, upgrades to give his house before putting it on the market list…

"Five million." The man said closing the file, pushing towards Ryan.

"Make it six. The area is big and it's a two stories house," 

"See sir, no one will buy your house,"

"Five point five?"

"Hm. maybe. The area the house is built is remote. The house is designed pretty well too. Any rich man won't think twice before buying it."

"Then make it 5.5 million."

"Sure. it will be on the market list then,"

"Thanks for your help."

"No, you are welcome," they shook hands as Ryan stood up from the chair. A smile spread over his face. 5 million was not a low price. 

His house, according to the plot area will be 3.75 million. They negotiated the price and set it at 5.5 by adding the building charges.

'I will be a millionaire soon, I guess.' Ryan sighed with the papers in his hands and walked towards an elevator. 'Oh shit.' the door was closing, he wanted to get it before the door is closed. 


Downstairs, the girls were sitting beside each other.

"Do you consider me as a rival?" Doc asked.

"I don't, doctor."

"I don't either. But I just don't feel right when he hugs someone else in front of me."

"I never expected him to realize your feelings for him. You were clingy so much to him,"

"Well. you know, he's not dumb. What about your case?"

"Hugged me few times, slept with me once,"

"We definitely have hugged more,"

"That's… duh"

"I have spent two or three nights with him." Doc was feeling like she was winning this battle of love. She felt proud of herself. 

They both were comparing the stuff they did with Ryan. Doc already felt that she was winning this battle. A grin spread over her face.

"Kiss?" Gwen muttered.

"Huh?" her face turned red.

"Have you ever kissed him?" Doc turned around her eyes from Gwen and didn't answer, "How many times?"

"We- we-" she was stuttering to answer Gwen but finally she did, "We haven't kissed yet,"

Yet. yet. You know, yet! She's so sure!

"Oh." Gwen looked away. A smile was spreading over her face but she decided to hide it.

"Let's stop fighting over him."

"Yeah, agreed." she hoped Doc might ask her the same question which Doc didn't.

"We both know that he's not going to be someone's, only man.  Only if we can break his will... "

"I don't wanna force a relationship with him."

"I don't want to either. So let's be nice to each other. He's not mine, he's not yours."

"Right. But what if he has kissed me?" Doc's eyes went large.

"He has?" she asked tilting her head.

"Just asking,"

"That depends on Ryan then,"

"Hugged me few times, slept once, kissed twice or thrice," 

"What the fuck?!" Gwen finally smiled, "WHAT THE FUCK?! That's unfair!!" people started staring at them, "H- how- how can- he…?"

"Calm down. I thought we were not supposed to fight over him," Gwen giggled.


Ryan was late to catch the elevator's door. The door was already closing. 'Shit. will have to wait for another lift to come,' he threw his fist as he reached the elevator.

Before the door was closed, Ryan's eyes caught someone through the gap, the crack of the elevator's door. It was a girl's eyes. 

'Huh. I feel like I have seen those eyes before.' The door closed erasing those eyes Ryan made perfect direct eye contact with.


< Name: Erin Heffley >

< Gender: Bisexual >

< HP: 18/20 >

< Trait: Hypnosis >

Ryan's mouth dropped open. His heart started racing. His body started getting hot, especially around the ears.. He was covered with fear. 

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