"What did you say, punk? Don't get in between, kid." The man was leaning closer to Ryan. Ryan was trying to control himself from moving his punch in his stomach.

The situation had now caught everybody's attention in the diner. There were families who didn't want their kids to see a fight and some gore. 

"Security, get them." a man, who seemed to be the manager of this diner asked security for help.

Few men arrived from the left door beside the washroom. It was a big diner to begin with, really big and spacious. 

"Let go. Let go of it, Ryan. it's not worth it," Doc muttered to him. Ryan's eyes were still glowing red with rage in them.

"Get going, punk, or I will smash that one left eye of yours too," 

"Sir, please get away from each other." the security men stepped in. 

"Move away," they pushed Ryan and those two men away. Ryan was staring at them with rage while they were grinning at him.

'That grin pisses me off.' Ryan thought as he was being pushed away by the guards, 'Vision.' 

He was already locking eyes with those men. He wanted to use his skill and see what their Trait was.

< Name: Edward Heffley >

< Gender: Male >

< HP: 70/70 >

< Trait: Mind control >

'You won't be able to control my mind.' Ryan thought, 'Vision.'

< Name: Finn Heffley >

< Gender: Male >

< HP: 65/65 >

< Trait: Error Detector >

'God damn it, why am I meeting all the Heffleys today only? I already met three Heffleys today. Just hope these jerks are not Erin's brothers.'

"Thank you, we will take it from here," Doc thanked the guards, they went away. Edward and Finn were taken away too. 

"Guys, what was going on?" Gwen asked whispering to them.

Doc sat down, Ryan pulled the chair and sat down too. The brothers were taken to the corner of the restaurant.

"Nothing. Some pervs tried molesting me," Doc replied.

"I will break their bones for sure,"

"Don't, Ryan. you gotta stay calm. We don't know who they are and what they are."

"They are the Heffleys," Doc almost spilled the water she took a sip of, "Hopefully might not be Erin's brothers," She took a breath of relief, "The shorter's Trait is mind control, the taller one's Trait is error detector,"

"Oh. The Heffleys…." Doc went into thinking.

"Wait- The Heffleys?" The menu card in Gwen's hands started shaking, "Doctor, do you think it's them?"

"Don't- don't jinx it, Gwen. don't. Just don't. They are not. They are not. How do you know so much about them, Ryan?"

"Never mind that. So what are they not?" Ryan asked interrupting Doc's thoughts.

"They can be Alaska's third Royal Family..."

"What?! Erin didn't tell me anything about it-"

"May- maybe she didn't want you to know about it?" Gwen replied instead. 

"I ignored the fact that your girlfriend is a Heffley cause I thought she was just a Heffley but after seeing two more Heffleys and their attitude, I am pretty sure, they are The Heffleys." 

"Which means we are in a bad situation?" 

"Which means we are in a bad situation." Doc nodded.

"Are we fucked-"

"No, we are not. We just gotta hide from them and leave this diner as soon as possible. We were lucky that we didn't get into a fight with them,"

"Huh? Why? If possible, I want to take them down."

"They are S-Grade Trait Masters. You won't be able to take them down,"

"S- S- S-Grade?" Gwen's eyes went wide.

"They look like they are still in their twenties..."

"But they are the third strongest family in Alaska."

"Do you mean we can't do anything about them?"

"For now, no we can't do anything about them, Ryan."

"Guys, guys. This is getting too much for me to handle. A month before, his girlfriend was just an ordinary bitch but the next month, she's from the top three families.

"Too much. Too much for me." Gwen repeated with her hands on her head, "Let's just eat our food and leave this diner. I don't wanna get further involved with them,"

"Right. Let's order our food." 

While they were having their lunches, from the main gate entered two girls with their mother and father. The girls had similar features except for their height. 

"Catch up with your brothers, I will bring Tim," Their father ordered.

The girls gave a nod. The taller one had long brown hair which was touching her knees; the shorter one had hips level black hair, they were little curly. 

"I will pay," Ryan was still in his own world. Doc had taken out her card to pay the bill for their lunch.

"Uh, I can help you with a few dollars. I have money too," Gwen told Doc taking out a few notes.

"It's okay, you are my student, I should pay as a teacher and as an adult." Doc proudly said.

"Money huh..." Ryan came back to his senses, "I will pay my share." he took out a few notes from his bag.

"I can pay yours- it's not much," The food Ryan had ordered for was not expensive cause he made sure to check the prices before ordering.

"I have enough money to pay mine too," Gwen protested again. 

"Alright. Give your money to me, I will do the transaction with my card." they handed their money to Doc, Doc gave her card to the waiter.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, ma'am. Please visit us again," The watchman bowed with a bright smile and opened the gate for our trio.

"That food was really nice~" Gwen moaned while walking down the street, "we should take a city bus now," she suggested.

"Where are you going?" Sofy asked her brothers when they got up.

"Gotta take care of someone," Finn winked at his younger sisters.


"Not your concern," Edward replied.

"Sigh. Just remember, we are not in Alaska anymore," the younger sister said.

"Alaska or not, we will take care of someone who pisses us off," Finn and Edward walked out of the diner. They saw the trio walking across the street.

"What are you planning on doing? Kill them? Handicap them?" Finn asked his older brother.

"Just that Ryan boy. I will take his other eye too. He will never be able to glare at someone like he did at me,"

"And the girls?"

"Rape them… then make them forget it ever happened,"

"You are a bastard, bro"

"I know." A grin spread over Edward's face. 

"Chick's hot though,"

"It will be fun then," They started moving. 

Within a few minutes, they were close enough to the trio, "Let's have fun, bro"

"Touch her ass,"

"Yes.. you just wait and see," Finn hissed as he started going towards Doc with a nasty grin on his face… full of lust. 

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