Finn was not laying on the ground anymore. Doc panicked cause she let her guard down and now her enemy was not in front of her eyes. 

"Behind you," Ryan turned Doc around, he was standing behind her, guarding her back, "Focus on Edward," Ryan muttered.

Right now, he stood taller than Doc, they leaned against each other. In front of Ryan was Finn running with a knife in his hand.

"Kill him, Ryan," Doc muttered. 

The one Ryan wanted to kill was not Finn but his older brother Edward but there's no complaining when your life's at stake. 

There was no way he could run away leaving Doc behind. It is impossible to defend against a knife attack without being harmed. So the only thing in his mind was, 'I can't eliminate the attack, I will reduce the attack.'

Ryan raised his forearm forward, to his surprise, even the forearm was covered in a red aura. He was not sure if his skill blood fist will reduce the attack's damage or not.

Finn stabbed the knife in his forearm, before he could pull the knife out and go for Ryan's eye, Ryan locked his wrist. The effect of his skill was hurting Finn's wrist from inside.

Ryan threw a punch in Finn's stomach, he pulled his arm back and turned Finn's wrist using both of his hands. The knife dropped from Finn's hands, on the ground. 

Ryan continued to pull Finn's body downward, Ryan raised his knees and landed a perfect hit on Finn's head. Blood started sprouting out of Finn's nose. 

"Fucker!!!" Edward was not able to stand there and watch his brother getting hurt, he charged forward. Doc took her stance with the intent of killing her opponent.

Edward and Doc got into fierce knife combat. It was quick for a normal human being to catch up with what was happening. Doc managed to cut Edward's forearms while he was defending aggressively. 

Ryan quickly went for the knife, its handle was covered in dark red blood. Ryan held the knife in an outward position. He brought his index finger forward, turned the knife downwards using his other three fingers. 

Then grabbed the knife properly in his hands, from the outward position to the chambered position. Blood was dripping from the knife's tip. 

A smile appeared on his face. He grabbed his hair, pulled him up, made a cut with a knife on his shoulder. He didn't stop, he continued making small cuts all over Finn's body, he then turned around making cuts over Finn's back.

On the other side, Doc held Edward pretty much back from rescuing his brother. He was losing focus after he saw his brother getting stabbed all over the body. 

"No…. no… this can't be happening. How can Finn lose to a brat like that?"

"Don't call him a brat, pervert," Doc found an opening, her knife went inside and stabbed Edward right above his chest. She quickly pulled it out and stabbed him in his guts. 

Lots of blood started pouring out of his stomach and gut, "Those spots are the vital spots. You are done for. You will lose your blood and soon lose your consciousness," 

To end his streak of cuts, Ryan stabbed Finn in the back and threw him on the ground. Both brothers were lying on the ground with knives in their bodies. 

With a grin on his face and a sense of victory inside him, he raised from the ground. Suddenly the smile disappeared when he sensed someone coming towards them. 

'Shit. it's the same smell!' he thought, 'One, two, three, four, five. Five people with the same smell.'

"Doc. quickly. Someone's coming," he suddenly turned around.

"Huh? But Gwen's still"

"They have the same smells as them!!" Ryan raised his voice to show how urgent it was for them to run away.

"Fine. take Gwen," Ryan went and grabbed Gwen in his arms.

"Tch. how lucky, she gets to be carried like a princess," Doc leaned down and pulled both of her knives, "Can't leave this proof behind," Doc thought as she threw those knives in the dimensional void. 

She bent down and took the cube in her hands, "I will heal you a little so that you don't die. I don't want Ryan to be a murderer at this age," 

She bent down to Edward, "Doc, what are you doing?! They are getting close!" Ryan warned her, he was running when he realized Doc was not coming behind him.

"J- just a minute! You go ahead,"

"Fuck, I can't!" 

Doc decided to ignore him for the time being and focus on healing Edward. She felt a life force inside him which went down slowly. She made sure she doesn't heal him completely just to be attacked by them again.

She was done healing Edward and got up from the ground when she heard a voice behind her.

"You…. we will come back for him,"

"Huh? You are conscious?" Doc looked over her shoulders, "Looks like I healed you little too much," she lifted her leg and kicked Edward across the face which was enough to knock him.

She quickly ran up to Finn. she used very little of her energy this time. She got up, she saw Ryan standing in front of her with Gwen in his hands.


"Done. let's run~" Doc walked over to Ryan with a smile. In the heat of the moment, Ryan forgot that the Heffleys will be arriving soon.

"Fuck. I can hear their steps! Shit, run, run right now!" Ryan picked up his pace, Doc bolted after taking a glance behind her.

"And I can see them, they are right behind us~" she giggled.

"Hah. haha!! This is fun~" Ryan broke out laughing. They heard voices behind them but they didn't stop and continued running.

"They- they are running away!!" Mr. Heffley shouted, he saw Ryan's group running away in the distance.

"Oh my god, look what they have done to our kids!" Mrs. Heffley let go of Tim's hand and leaned over her sons who were brutally stabbed. 

"How dare they hurt one of us?! I will not leave them!" Erin and Sofy were shocked when they saw their brothers like this.

'J- just who was it? Was it another family attack?' Sofy thought but soon realized that her brothers were bullying a single person, 'It can't be. It has to be an attack of another family on them.'

While running away, a message from the System appeared in front of Ryan's eyes.

< Quest ten: Defeat Edward Heffley, failed. This Quest still stands but the rewards might change >

< Fought and defeated Finn Heffley, a semi-S-grade Trait Master, successfully >

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