"Should we go back now?" Devon asked standing up from the bed. 

"Right. There's only half an hour till the check-ins will begin," Doc said looking at her watch. 

"Fine, I think the situation might have calmed down a little,"

"Wait, I will use my Trait to see what's on the other side."

< Clairvoyance activated >

It has been a long time since they were locked inside the room. They managed to trick the guards and thankfully no one was staying in room 105. 

There were no CCTV cameras in and outside room 105 so Ryan's mates were not caught in the camera, guards didn't have any lead on them so they decided to stop chasing them.

Outside where Naomi had trashed Sofy, the place was nice as before, as if nothing happened there. Guards were back in their positions. 

Erin and Sofy had left the airport to reach the nearest hospital with high security. Their father was not with them, their mother was not with them.

A day before, Mr. Heffley had ordered Erin, Sofy, Tim, and Mrs. Heffley to leave California as soon as possible. He was going to stay with his sons. 

While Mrs. Heffley was away with her little son, this happened behind her back. Erin made sure not to tell her mother about it. She told her mother that she was going through an anemia attack and left for a hospital with Sofy. 

She was sitting in a hospital room with her sister on the bed, the doctor had told Erin that Sofy's condition was not serious but it was not something light either.

Her body was paralyzed because of the high voltage she experienced. Doctors healed her but still said she might have a hard time in the future. Erin was not able to believe how quick turns her life took right after meeting Ryan. 

"Sofy…. Are you okay?" she asked her sister moving a hand over her head. 

"Don't let our parents know about it," Erin was having a hard time figuring out what her sister was saying. Because her body was still half-paralyzed which included her jaws, arms, leg joints she was not able to talk clearly.

She moved her jaw up and down half-assedly, her words were not coming out clearly; to the other person, it sounded like someone mumbling about something. 

"Don't let what?"

"Father… no..." she shook her hand, "No father, no mother," she tried breaking down her words into simple actions for Erin to understand. 

"Okay, okay, I will not tell them, I have not yet,'

"You-" she pointed at Erin, "Can't tell them," then shook her hand forming a cross around her flat chest. 

"I can't…? W- why?"

"They will kill you," she made a gesture with her thumb moving along her neck, "If they found out about your affair," she made a heart gesture with her hands, "They will kill you," again the same killing gesture. 

That hit Erin right in the center. She forgot for a moment that dating was a big no in her family. Still, she dated Ryan thinking she loves him and it is just for fun.

If she tells her father that Sofy was beaten up by Ryan he would ask the reason behind it. There was no way she could tell her father that Sofy teased her ex-boyfriend which ended up striking the never of his harem girls and Sofy ended up like this. 

"Okay… thanks," Erin felt a sense of defeat. She wanted to get back at Ryan for what he did to her brothers and now…. Even her sister. 

She started remembering the time they were in a relationship, 'I never knew you were this much of a twisted person...' she sighed.

Now she saw him happy with his harem. She found it really annoying how the girls were clinging to him. Of course, she didn't feel anything for Ryan now but still, she found it annoying that Ryan moved no so quickly and got three girls around him.

She wanted him to suffer more from this breakup. Although she never showed that in her texts, she still thought Ryan was going through breakdowns, he won't be able to handle the breakup and eventually come back to her. 

She heard a ring. Her mobile phone started ringing in the jeans pocket. She lifted herself off the seat and pulled out the mobile.

"Who?" Sofy asked making a gesture with her hand. 

"Mother… it's her,"

"No telling..." she shook her hand, she gulped. Erin nodded answering the phone.

"Erin! Where are you? Are you okay? We are getting late for our flight, your anemia attack doesn't last this long, what's wrong?"

There was a long pause before Erin replied to her mother, "Mother… actually the thing is, we met the suspects of Finn and Edward,"

"Huh?" her mother got serious, "Are you okay?"

"No. I am okay but Sofy's not. After they saw us walking around the airport, they started attacking us. Thanks to Sofy saving me, I was okay but she got hurt badly,"

Sofy's eyes went wide when she heard what her sister was telling her mother. It was totally a lie but why would she do it?

"I will inform your father,"

"Yes, please send him here if possible. The suspects are really dangerous,"

"Don't worry. Your father will handle them," that she hung up the call. 

A grin spread over Erin's face, "W- what are you-?" Sofy found it choking to speak any further. Her eyes were wide in fear of her own sister. 

"Don't worry, sister. Our father will get rid of them for you… for us," she smirked.

'Now you are dead, Ryan. save yourself if you can. Runaway if you can.'

'Who are you? You are not my sister… Erin would not do something like this.' Sofy thought inside her mind without being able to talk anymore. 


"Okay, we are clear. We can get out." Ryan told his mates sitting inside the room, "I don't see anyone out there," 

"Cool. we won't be late," Devon got the door, he opened the lock system and pulled the door open, "Bye" he walked out, "Naomi, let's go," he called her before moving out.

"Oh- okay," she wanted to go with Ryan but when Devon called her, she found it hard to decline, "Later, guys" she walked out of the room.

Ryan stopped at the door, he turned. Doc and Gwen were standing behind him. They were not looking at him.

"I don't know what's wrong with us now… it's nothing like before. Well, let it be if this is what you want."

After hearing the bitter words from his mouth, Gwen and Doc felt like they would cry their eyes right now and give Ryan a big~ hug. 

"But for helping me today with my ex… I seriously thank you,"

He turned around and walked out of the room leaving Gwen and Doc alone in the room. 

'Come on, he can't be this nice even after what I did to him.'

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