My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 12 - I Will Prove It!

"Ryan Walker, You are officially expelled from the WN Academy of Superpowers!!" 

He stood there speechless. 'What is going on? Why am I seeing my life go ONLY down....?' His eyes told how frightened he was of the decision taken by the Principal.

"You don't have any money to pay the school fees and dorm fees. Well, if you were stronger than Rigid maybe we would have at least cogitated your expulsion, but you are nowhere near him, more ever you are the weakest student. Sorry, but we can't keep a student as weak as you in our school...."

'Ah... so this is what it was all about.... only because I am impotent.'

"I- I am not weak."

"What did you just say? Say it louder..." They didn't hear Ryan's mumbling. 

"I- "

"You are just too weak to be in this school, sorry Ryan." The Vice Principal, Steve Zahn commented.

'You are not sorry at all, are you?' Ryan bit his lower lip.

"You will have to leave this school at once Ryan Walker," The Principal got up from his chair after making his point clear, "Now, go get your things packed." 

Ryan hoisted his head, he saw Mr. Principal standing adjacent to him, giving Ryan a mean look. He started moving out of the room.

"I am not weak!" Ryan's chair made a screeching sound as he got up suddenly, he had his torso turned towards two teachers behind him. 

"What are you trying to say-?"

"What I am trying to say is that- I am not weak! I will fight! I will fight, I will win and I will prove that I am not as weak as you think I am. No. I will prove that I am not weak at all!"

"Huh..." The principal turned, "Are you kidding-?"

"No. Please give me one more chance and I will prove it to you!"

"Prove it to me... how do you plan on proving it to me?"

"I will fight! I will fight in the upcoming school event and win!"

"Hmmm. But, the next event is... pretty far from now. Not even close enough to commence."

"That is right, it is five months and fifteen days away, precisely." Vice Principal integrated.

"Well then, I will fight someone right now and will acquire victory!"

Both Principal and Vice-Principal broke out in a short laugh. It looked more akin to a coerced laugh.

"Wh- why are you laughing?"

Not just teachers, not just Mr. Principal but everyone in this whole academy knows just how weak Ryan is. Even if he was to be paired with the second weakest student... Ryan would probably lose that battle too.

"Do you realize how weak you are?"

"As I said, I am not weak. just pair me up with someone in a Leveling game."


"I will show you that I can win and am not weak!"

'Come on, this is the only thing I can do right now or else I will be kicked out immediately!'

"Well.... okay then," A smile grew over Ryan's face, a smile of assurance, "But. What if you lost the Trait game?" The smile vanished.

"Then. Do whatever you want with me." A quick and another thoughtless reply.

"Huh, no that would be too cruel. Instead, I will ascertain you don't get admission in any of America's Trait Academy!"

The Vice Principal gasped. Ryan was covered in fear once again. 

"Very well sir. I accept your condition."

"Then are you okay with fighting anyone from the whole school?"

"Affirmative. Except for teachers and Rigid Russell. Besides them, anyone is fine with me."

'Right. Anyone is fine as you are gonna lose anyway.' Principal thought.

"You will be fighting against the third-place winner of our school festival." He smirked.

"S- sir!" The Vice-Principal was seized by the Principal. Steve realized this was going too far, but he could not protest against his senior and his employer.

"It is fine by me," Ryan grunted. His head was down.

"If you, Ryan Walker, won this Trait game against the third-place winner, Robert Capron, you will be allowed to stay here and perpetuate your learning in this, WN Academy of Superpowers. But If you lose this Trait game, you will be thrown out of this Academy without hesitation or mercy."

"I will fight!"


'I did tell them that I will fight- but just how am I supposed to win this?! I never thought that I would decide without thinking or analyzing first.' Ryan regretted his decision. He was walking back to the dorm room.

'Not that this is the first time I decided something without thinking….' Erin's DM and her username flashed in front of Ryan's eyes. He closed his eyes firmly, 'Not like I had any other choice, did I? At least when I get expelled I won't have any regrets of not doing anything. I will fight and lose, not lose and lose.'

He reached his room. 

"But sir. Do you think it was a good conception to let him fight? I mean in a good way." Steve Zahn asked.

"Of course it was the best way possible to expel him from our academy." Answered Johan Atkinson.

"But, what if he won?"

"Don't be cockamamy, everyone including me and you know that he is not gonna win this. Earnestly, tell me what is the possibility of the weakest student beating the third vigorous student in a Trait game?"

"Almost zero..."

"No. It is ZERO."

"Only a miracle-"

"I think it might be infeasible for Ryan to win even if a miracle took place."

'Yeh. But what if that happened? What will you do then, Sir Atkinson?' Steve thought.

"Just what can happen in a day which will lead this loser to claim victory against a top student?"

"A miracle…." 


"Alright. Now, this is the time where I try figuring out what the hell this ring is." Ryan sat on his bed. He examined the ring which was in his right hand.

'I have had this ring for a few days now but still, there is nothing I got out of this stupid thing. It just controls my own body and acts on its own. And when I come back to my senses I see that I have already killed someone.

It gives me this sensation of being overpowered but still weak. I have such a caliber of potency that can hurt people with only one blow or hit or sucking but as I don't know how to utilize this thing I am still the weakest.

Only if I learn how to utilize this before the day of battle I might win this thing.'

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