My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 126 - A Vampire Diary.

"Alright. I will be leaving first, you can come out whenever you want or just stay inside the compartment," Brandon got up from his comfy chair.

"I will stay here for a bit… it's comfortable than the economy class..."

"Haha. sure," it seemed to Ryan that Brandon had opened up a little to him. He was not talking seriously or with the intention of intimidating Ryan. 

It felt like both of them were friends… just like how Ryan felt whenever he talk with Doc. Brandon walked up to the robot statue to take his military blazer.

"And… while I am gone, don't touch anything in this room." Brandon turned around and pulled his blazer. It got stuck in midway. 

Brandon continued pulling it while looking at Ryan. Ryan turned his eyes to the blazer.

"Sir, it's stuck," Ryan told. Brandon turned around to see his blazer, "It's stuck in the drawer," Ryan repeated.

"Oh." Brandon used his left hand to free the military blazer from the drawer. The drawer was left half-open when the blazer was finally off the drawer. 

"But did you understand what I told you?" Ryan spotted the drawer was halfway open and Brandon didn't bother closing it. 

Brandon was way too focused on Ryan. his eyes were piercing through Ryan's eye. He felt like he have to respond or else it might turn ugly.

"Yes, sir. I will not touch anything." Ryan replied. 

'Looks like Devon was right. He still has not figured us out. He still thinks we are humans,' Brandon smiled and walked out of his compartment.

Ryan let out a sigh of relief after throwing himself on the couch. Ryan's eye fell on the drawer then he saw the flashbacks of Brandon telling him not to touch anything.

'Ugh. Just a peek. I will not touch anything,' Ryan got up from the couch and walked over to the half-opened drawer. 

He peeked inside the drawer. 'What is this?' He touched the drawer and was about to pull it but stopped. He remembered Brandon's words again.

'Is this a book?' It was a hardbound, dark red-colored book sitting inside the drawer, 'Or is it a diary?' 

Unconsciously, out of curiosity, Ryan pulled the drawer, 'Crap!' he was about to push it back inside, he stopped. 

'What language is that?' Ryan saw some unfamiliar letters over the book. With some unfamiliar letters, something was written over the diary. 

'It's not Spanish, it's not French either. This language is not of our world.' Ryan had almost seen every language possible and they seemed to have a connection between them.

The words are almost similar, just twisted here and there, added a few things to make a new language and a new word.

The language he saw in the middle of the book was not something from this world, he thought. And the words written over were sprouting out.

'J- just a touch.' Ryan's finger started moving towards the book. His finger was inside the drawer, only a few milli-centimeters away from the book. 

"Open." he panicked, Ryan's body started trembling, his heart started racing. The door swiftly started opening. 

'Crap. Crap, crap, crap,' Ryan kept repeating as his hands pushed the door behind him and he took a few steps away from the drawer. 

From the door, Brandon entered his compartment with a smile on his face, "Oh, Ryan, I forgot to enter your voice author-" the smile faded, "What's wrong? You look pale," he asked.

"H- huh? No. I am alright. I was just startled to see you enter the compartment out of the blue..." Brandon was clearly able to hear Ryan's racing heart which made Brandon feel suspicious.

"Right. I should have knocked. You know, used to this."

"R- right, sir. It's your room after all,"

"Leave that aside, I want to enter your voice authorization."

"W- what's that?" 

'Calm down, my shitty broken heart.' Ryan muttered inside his mind.

"Ever thought how you could come out of the room?" 

"Ah-" Ryan was not planning on going out of the room, "Right."

"Voice authorization,"

[ Voice verified access granted. Please command 'Open' & 'Close' ]

"Go ahead," Ryan still stood there trying to calm his heat down.

[ waiting for voice recognition ]

"Open. Close" Ryan stepped forward after saying those two words.

[ Process completed ]

"I will leave now, you can just order the door to open for you, make sure you close the door before leaving."

"Thank you, sir." Ryan bowed a little. Bradon left the room.

Ryan sighed, he brought his hand to his chest, 'For once, I thought it might explode,' Ryan lifted his head.

'It's now or never,' Ryan strode till the drawer and pulled it open without hesitation. 

He saw the same book with a dark red cover and something engraved on its cover in a strange, mysterious, unknown language.

Ryan didn't hesitate this time, without wasting a second, he touched the book but he didn't stop there he pulled the book out of the door and held it in his hand. 

'Why was his heart racing so fast? Was he doing something inside my room?' Brandon thought while walking down the aisle, 'No way, he must have been really startled. I should learn to knock.'

Brandon continued walking, he was soon out of the airplane and into the airport now. He glanced all over the airport, he made sure to check the whole plane before coming out. 

'Now where are you?' He was sure the assassins were still in here, 'I can't risk Ryan's life.' and from what Ryan had told him about being attacked frequently it confirmed Brandon's doubt about what the assassins were doing here. 

'The Heffleys. That old man sure loves his family way too much. He sent assassins for a sixteen-year-old, unbelievable.'

Ryan thoroughly checked the book from behind and front. He held the book in both hands. He grabbed the front cover, pulled it but it didn't open. 

'Huh? Why?' Ryan tried harder to open up the diary in his hands. After failing multiple times, he decided to use his skill.

< Vision >

< A vampire diary: Diaries specially made for strong vampires who have lived for more than fifty years. These diaries are made from King-tier beasts. >

< You can not open these diaries with pure strength. You need the owner's blood to open up these diaries.. These are very important for vampires. >

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