Satoru jumped on the brakes, the car suddenly came to a stop with a big jolt. Satoru quickly turned around, "You did what?!"

His eyes were popping out. He found it strange to know a student half-murdered another student… I mean, they are too young! Just 16 years old.

Ryan looked down, "Hey, did I hear you right?" Ryan nodded. 

"D-Dad, let's not talk about-"

"Wait for a second, Naomi-chan. This is something serious, why did you do that to a student?"

"Tell him, Ryan," Devon muttered.

"Cause he… he was bullying my friend," Satoru stared at Ryan for another minute before turning away.

He started the car and took off. 'This guy is…. Amazing. Just for a friend? Who are you, Ryan?' he thought.

"Why are you hanging out with him, Naomi-chan? Why is he your friend?"

"Don't get the wrong idea, Dad. Ryan is not that kind of person- he is kind, he has never hurt someone without a reason-"

"Yeah, but whenever he did, he made sure to take out every bit of anger inside him,"  Devon chuckled. 

Satoru glared at Devon. His chuckling stopped suddenly. 

"I see why the assassins were sent," Satoru said, Ryan hummed in agreement.

"And sir you… if you don't mind me asking you, what do you do for a living?"

"Hm, looks like you don't know about Naomi's family, do you?"

"Uh… no, not really. She never liked talking about her family." Ryan didn't tell Satoru that he knew they had some family problems.

"Our family. I look after the family business." He didn't say anything further. 

"Oh..." he had created an awkward silence between them. Satoru was deep in thought about Ryan. 

He found Ryan something different from a normal student. There was this strange aura Satoru could sense coming from Ryan. he was not sure what it meant… 

After a few minutes, the car came to a stop slowly. 

"Oh? We reached already?" Devon said getting his bags.

"I thought the Academy was far from the airport..." Ryan pulled his bag on his shoulder.

"Good night, guys," Naomi waved from the window when they got out of the car.

"Night," Ryan replied turning away.

"Ryan," he heard Satoru's voice, "You can drop by at our house anytime… I hope we can have a nice talk sometime," 

Ryan was surprised. He was curious about Naomi's place too so he didn't decline the offer.

"Thank you, sir" 

The car's engine started and it took off. Ryan stood there with Devon watching the car disappear in the nightlight. 

Cause he knew, there was something more coming up for him from Devon.


'Here it comes.'

"Ryan, I think we should have a talk," Ryan turned around.

"Yes. you are right." Ryan replied promptly. 

They turned around to see a big building. It had a big mark over the top of the gate. The mark read: 'Students' Dormitory.' 

"Let's go inside," Devon suggested taking a few steps towards the gate.

Ryan didn't say anything but quietly followed Devon inside the dormitory. It took them some time before figuring out where their rooms were. 

It was not hard for them to find their rooms as the rush was all around the dorm. 

The Academy bus had arrived right after Ryan and Devon entered the dorm. The students and teachers started getting off the bus. 

"Guess the Japanese students are sleeping," Ryan guessed walking around the dorm. 

It was 5 in the dawn, not many get up at this time. There was not a single person visible in the long corridors of the dorm. 

'They are not so thrilled around our arrival, are they?' Devon thought. No one was there to greet the incoming bus- or so they thought.

"Welcome, welcome," in a broken English accent, an old woman wearing a military uniform came out of a car that had arrived after the bus.

Students were busy unpacking their bags from the bus's trunk, teachers were standing around the corner to make sure everything goes right. 

"Mrs. Sadako Tanikawa, hello," Johan turned around when he saw Sadako coming out of the car, towards them.

"I hope you had a nice trip," she replied in not so fluent accent.

"Yes, we did. Thanks for coming to greet us this early in the morning,"

"Oh, no, no. it's my pleasure to meet you in person,"

'Huh? Is Johan someone special? Why would she-' 

"Johan Atkinson-san, please make sure you and your students are comfortable here,"

"Yes, yes. Thank you for letting our students continue their studies in your Academy,"

"We have not assigned their dorm room numbers yet, sorry for the inconvenience but can you please tell your students to not unpack their stuff as they will be assigned with their permanent room numbers in the morning,"


"Very well, I shall get going now, we have to make some arrangements in the Academy for your welcome,"

"Ah- there was no need," Johan smiled. 

Ryan stood there silent hearing their conversation, after a few more seconds, Sadako turned around to enter her car. A man from behind her, opened the door for her to jump in.

'Oh shit.' Ryan had forgotten to use his Vision skill on Sadako. He quickly fixed his eyes on Sadako before she could leave.

< Name: Sadako Tanikawa >

< Gender: Female >

< HP: ??? >

< Trait: ??? >

'Oh,' his eye lifted up with his eyebrow, 'Still that error…. Just why?'

"Ryan. before Brandon comes, we should go to our rooms or you will be in trouble again," Devon brought him out of his thoughts, back into reality.

Ryan turned his head to Devon who was standing beside Ryan with his bags in his hands and a worried expression on his face, a little sense of seriousness was also present. 

"Promise me one thing," Ryan started. He waited for Devon's reply, he nodded, "You won't become a vampire and hurt me while we are alone in the room,"

"Huh? Why would I?" Ryan waited before answering. 

When he felt he can answer- he started hesitating, "B- be- because… I- I know about your Vampire secret… the council won't let me live… this is it for me."

Right. The vampire council. They exist for this reason.. To kill a human who knows about their secret. 

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