My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 156 - From Mysterious To Dangerous.

They both were sleeping without giving any care about the outside world. It was currently 11:30 Pm. just after half an hour, it would be midnight.

"Did you make sure to blind the CCTVs?" Henry asked.

"And I blinded the guard too," Henry's companion replied.

They were walking down a long corridor in the students' dorm. They had their swords against their belts. They were wearing black hoods over their head while their whole body was covered in a big cloak.

"As soon as possible,"

"ASAP." his companion repeated.

Their purpose of breaking inside the dormitory was to kill Ryan before it's 00:00 AM in the clock.

"Don't care who comes in between, kill anyone you see," Henry ordered.

"Right. Don't you think we should have waited a little longer? It's not that late, many might still not be sleeping, what if he's not sleeping too?"

"Tch. that doesn't matter. We will kill anyone, everyone who comes in our way. And we can't wait anymore. You know it very well."

He looked down while taking big strides. They were near the staircases which led to the first floor.

"Where was his room again?"

"Are you fucking serious?! You gotta be kidding me!"

"N- no. I am not!"

"Fuck! How could we come out to kill someone and we don't know he is!"

"Ssh!" they were whispering all the time till Henry lost his patience, "We will find his room. He's in the Top Ten Community right? Their rooms are on the top, yeah!"

"Ah… you are right. Those rooms are always on the top floor. Let's fucking hurry,"

These Americans, these foreigners confused the mechanism of the Japanese Academy with the American Academy. Not just American, but almost the whole world.

The VIP rooms are located on the top floor whereas, in Japan, Korea, and China, they decided to change it. In case of emergency, the top ten students will be able to jump in for help quickly if they are on the ground floor compared to the top floors.

They quickly rushed towards the top floor. They climbed through the first floor at a blinding speed. Not just their speed was the thing which was amazing; while they ran, not a single sound of their footstep was heard. They landed on their feet as if a feather was falling on the ground.

On the second floor, the third, racing through the fourth and the final, they reached the fifth floor. 

"Alright. Be careful." Henry whispered. His companion nodded...

They slowly started taking small steps. 

His hand went on his sword's hilt. He surrounded his fingers around the hilt of the great sword. It was a high-level weapon he was using.

"Oh shit," Henry stopped when his companion took a step back.

"Your Trait?" he turned, "What is it this time?" Henry asked.

"Shit. as I thought. We should have really waited before moving at this time,"

"Is it a teacher? Or a warden?" Henry pulled half of his sword out.

"Just a man dressed in black. Like us. His face is covered in a hood. I don't know about his position but…."

"But? What is it?"

"He's strong. He is releasing a dangerous aura."


"Way too strong. If we end up fighting him, we both will definitely lose after putting on an average fight."

"We gotta end this man as soon as possible,"

"Are you serious?" his eyes went wide.

"I am. What are we? We don't fight face on," he pulled out his sword and walked to a wall, "We are assassins. We kill secretly." 

He disappeared inside the wall. A smile spread over Henry's companion's face. He pulled his sword out.

"You are right, boss." 

On the other end, a man dressed in a black long cloak, and a hood was walking around the Academy with worry.

'This is it. If I complete this mission, lord Jackie will keep me as his right hand instead of Tye," a thought broke out into Ainz's mind.

"I just need to make sure I am not making any mistake," he was walking near every room. 

His hand grabbed the knob and twisted it open, "Good." He was opening every room's door, this room was the second last he had to open on this floor.

"I will just make things easier for my puppets." he hissed, "it's going to be fun! I can't wait." he was getting overwhelmed. 

He knew this was the mission where he gets to make an impression on Jackie. If he fails, Tye will get the upper hand. Ainz will be punished and won't get top priority missions.

"He is close," 

"I got you," Henry replied. 

"Someone's coming," Ainz lifted his head after opening the last door, "They are strong," he muttered, taking cover behind a pillar. 

"On your right." Henry twisted his body, he came out of the wall, he pushed against a pillar and dashed in the left direction.

"Masters?!" Ainz panicked, "Fuck. I am busted, I am found." he spun around taking out a dagger.

"Too late. You are already dead," he heard a light whisper in his ears.

"Huh?" Before he could turn his head to see who was behind him, a fine black line formed around his neck. 

"Good job," Henry landed on the ground, he swung his long sword, a red line of blood appeared on the wall.

Ainz's head detached from his body and fell on the ground with a big splash of blood all over the floor. 

His companion also appeared out of the blue, he inserted his sword in the scabbard. He slowly walked near Henry, who was standing near the headless dead body.

"Done?" he asked.

"Yeah. I killed him." Henry replied with a smile, "Let's see who this strong person was, eh?"

He bent down to get the dead, which was lying face-on on the ground. He picked up the head, pulled down the hood, and kept its neck on the ground. 

"Oh, shit…."

"Fuck." they both started trembling with fear when they got a glimpse of the face he had just chopped off.

"You are dead, Henry. Do you know who it is?!" 

Henry's hand on his sword started trembling, shaking in fear. Sweat broke down his cheek. 

He kept staring at the black hair, black eye, handsome but ugly face lying in front of him. It didn't take him another second to realize whose head he had just cut.

"I know. I am fucked up.. It's the Ainz Gown, Lord Filgo's left hand." 

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