
"Yeah, you know, those you do things with the dead, they play with them, make an army of the dead, etc. I specialize in the Dead Arts. Just to give you a simple idea of what my Trait is."

Henry's eyes were wide in fear, his mouth dropped open when he heard Ainz's description about his Trait. 

"I- but how come your Trait is not in demand….? Why do so few know about-" Henry stopped at Ainz's glare. He felt a shiver down his spine.

"You are asking too much…." he turned around with a slight smile, "but I suppose I will just tell you," Henry felt a relief, "My Trait can't inflict instant damage on the opponent. I have to depend on long-term attacks, strategies, and plans. My Trait has damage on the opponent over time. Damage over time."

"I see..."

"Of course, except for healing someone with my necromancy skills, I can't fight with them head-on. For that, I mastered martial arts, and a few other sports like boxing, judo, and taekwondo."

'That tells why his aura is so strong,' his partner thought while recovering from his pain. 

"That much?"

"Yeah, I also master blade skills. Oh, only short blades. Not swords and katanas like you guys," he joked casually.

'How can a man learn so much in single life? It's impossible. How does his body keep up with this?'

Since the deadly disease broke out and the human beings started noticing changes, evolutions within themselves, since the day the first human gained a superpower.

They all have depended on their Traits in a fight. Of course, they have knowledge and training about physical combat, but they are mostly focused on their asset, their Traits. 

But if someone's Trait was weak, they start mastering martial arts. They could perfect one or two martial arts at the top. Still, they would not stand a chance in the new age of superpowers.

Ainz might be the first person in the history of superpowers to master more than two martial arts with mastering blade skills, and his Trait, making him one of the strongest people alive.

Only if his Trait was stronger, only if his Trait was like that of Rigid's or Jackie's. Only if he had an elemental Trait, he could have won the Underworld. 

"Henry…. I have told you enough. Now it's my time to be surprised and listen to what you have to say." Ainz leaned against a wall, "And make it quick, I have to go ahead with my mission."

'I see. As expected. He's on a mission too. A top priority mission huh?'

"I didn't ask for any help from the base, nor did I hear of someone else being a part of this mission. So why are you and your partner here?"

"The base? No, no we are not here at the base's request. We are on a private mission."

"Ah~ rich men sure seem to have many enemies." Ainz lifted his eyes at Henry, "And?"

"And…? I am sorry. We can't tell you anything further,"

"Aha. you won't? You can't? Well… how will I be able to trust you then?" Ainz took out a dagger from one side, "What if the rich man has a grudge against me?"

"What about you then? What if the base's top priority mission has to do something important with us?"

"You. here. At the same time, the same place. You even managed to cut my head. Then you say you are on a mission…. Do you know what kind of sense that makes?"

"You are here too. Carrying out a top priority mission. Detected my presence even after I definitely hid it, tried to stab me, made a big hole in my friend's hand…. What explanation do you have for this?"

Henry's hand which was placed on the hilt of his sword started moving forward. His partner was ready for a battle to break out anytime.

'This is not the time. We both will end up dying!' he thought but he could not bring himself to interrupt Henry and Ainz.

"If you won't tell me…." Ainz raised his right hand behind him, "Then I will have no choice," a black shadow erupted from his hand, ".....but to kill you," the dagger which Ainz had thrown away was now in his hands.

"If the base is behind the bounties on our head, then we won't have another choice…." he pulled out his sword and so did his partner, "....but to fight for our lives."

'Henry...' in his eyes, his boss had gained respect, he admired him enough already. 

The tension in the atmosphere increased rapidly. No one said anything, they just kept staring into each other's eyes without shutting their eyes even once. 

But… the whole tension suddenly broke when Ainz started giggling, "Pfft! Hahaha," he softly giggled, putting his daggers back in their place.

"W- what?" They both were confused.

"Relax, relax. I am not here to kill you. There's no way you are a top priority mission stuff, so relax!" he continued laughing.

'What does he mean!?' Henry angrily thought.

"I am here to kill a student…. You know,"

"Ah. I see. Although I was not told anything about the plan, the only thing that I have is to slash a few students' heads. I think you are processing with further plans right now." 

"Uh-hm." he nodded, calming down, "Now you seriously tell me about your motive, or I will really kill you," his glance turned into a glare.

Henry again felt a shiver run down his spine, "We are here to kill a student, too."

Ainz nodded and quickly, at a fast pace, said "We both will spill the name of the student in one, two, three!!"

"Ryan Walker."

"Ryan Walker---" Ainz's eyes went wide in surprise again. 

"What?" a frown formed on Henry's face. He could not help but laugh.

"So the rich men have a grudge with a 16-year-old high school student?! What happened to the world?!" Ainz continued laughing. 

"So for the Underworld, a 16-year-old high school boy is a top priority mission stuff?" Henry said sarcastically.

"Say…. our goal is the same,"

"Right, so why not-"

"Let's work together. With your power, it will just make things easier for me," Ainz proposed.

A grin appeared on Henry's face, he exchanged glances with his partner, "Why not? Let's work together and kill this brat."

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