< A task completed. Total zombie bites: 10/5 >

< Total zombies met: 99/5 >

< The final task completed. Total zombie cores collected: 57/99 

Zombie orbs: 57 [32 Normie zombie orbs. 25 Mixed-blooded zombie orbs] >

<All tasks are completed. You have met all of the required conditions for transforming into a zombie >

< Do you want to transform into a mixed-blooded zombie? >

The multiple messages appeared in front of Ryan's face which momentarily froze him on the spot. 

"A zombie? No, man. A vampire? Okay, a demon? Fine. a werewolf? cool …. But a zombie? No thanks. I am fine as a human than a zombie."

Ryan declined the System's offer to turn him into a zombie. Of course, a zombie is not as cool as other beings like vampires, demons, or werewolves. 

Ryan smashed the head of another zombie.

< Killed a normie. Gained +40 Exp >

After leveling up to level 10; the amount of Exp Ryan obtained had decreased by some points. Before, killing a normie gained him 50 Exp whereas right now, he obtained only 40 Exp. 

'Right. I forgot. The stronger I become the weaker these normie zombies will and hence, I will not gain the same about of Exp as before.'

From his experience playing multiple RPG video games, this is what happens all the time. When you level up, killing the same enemies won't give you the Exp points as before. 

< Total Zombie kills: 60/99 >

'I wonder why it's 99. Is it the number of students, warden, teachers together?' 

Obviously, the total number of humans is equal to the total number of zombies present in the dorm. 

"Fuck… I think… I am exhausted." Ryan thought when he punched another zombie. 

"Eh? Already?" Ryan quickly lifted his head when he heard that annoying voice, "I wish to have even more fun with you though," Ainz appeared out of the blue with a few adult zombies behind him.

"You bastard..." Ryan grunted.

"Ah-huh. Don't curse. Conserve your energy cause you know…. Energy can't be created nor be destroyed, so don't waste your remaining Trait energy on me… we still have plenty of zombies here." Ainz spread his arms.

Ryan bolted from his spot towards Ainz with an angry face and a murderous intent. 

'Ah... they never listen.' Ainz sighed.

Ryan threw his red fist aimed at Ainz's face, 'Just a drop of blood!' although Ryan was too indulged in killing the zombies he was still aware of the skill he had gained.

Blood Boil. It is a self-explanatory skill. Just a drop of blood from Ainz's body then he would be able to boil the rest of the blood present in Ainz's blood. 

To his surprise, Ainz didn't move a muscle, instead, he looked away with a disappointed expression on his face. 

'Die.' Ryan forced all of his power into his punch. 

But before it could even hit Ainz's face, it was blocked by one of his puppets…. Not a normal puppet. 

If it was a Normie or a mixed-blooded zombie, a single punch from Ryan would be all to kill that zombie and smash its insides all over the place. 

An adult zombie had blocked Ryan's punch with the use of its two palms. Ryan pushed his arm forward but the zombie in front of him didn't budge.

"Is it a stronger zombie?" Ryan wondered. He landed and was about to take a step back when suddenly, his fists turned cold.

The next second, Ryan's whole fist was frozen in cold, white, crystal ice. It didn't stop there, the ice reached up to his forearms.

The zombie went away after using its Trait, another zombie jumped forward with his fists burning orange. 

'Oh fuck.' Ryan quickly turned around, jumped away, went inside a room, and leaned against it.

< warming host's blood to melt the ice outside > he received a System notification.

He felt thankful that his Trait was somehow coming in handy. 'So I can boil my own blood without coming in contact but can't boil others.'

"No use hiding Ryan. you are already fucked up. Come outside or I will give you a horrible death." Ryan heard Ainz's voice followed by an evil laugh.

Images of Pete flashed once again. Gwen appeared in front of his eyes… the time when they shared their first kiss. Doc appeared in front of him. She had her mature smile pulled on her face.

'I can't die yet.' Ryan clenched his fists, 'Not now.' the ice broke into smaller pieces and fell on the floor.

"Oh yeah?! I will be the one who fucking kills you, Ainz bastard!" Ryan kicked the door and stepped out with a frown.

"Tch. you are still saying that. Why don't you understand that killing me is literally impossible for you." Ainz shrugged. 

Ryan felt the burning desire to smash Ainz's head. Pull his brain out, pull all of his guts and let him die that way.

"You are incapable of killing me. If I want, I can kill you within a second." Ainz was continuously insulting Ryan, disrespecting him… Ryan felt… all he did… everything from the start… everything from the first chapter…. Was useless!

Cut off his legs, tear apart his limbs, torture him in pain, let him suffer till the last drop of blood drains out. Poke both of his eyes, pull his intestines out of his body. Let him suffer.

Take a baseball bat and continue hitting Ainz's head till it is nothing but a mess of brain flesh and blood.

Angry at the same time sad. Could not suppress his tears but could not control his anger either. 

< You are experiencing a whirlpool of emotions >

< Anger: 999+ >

< Willpower: 999+ >

< Resolve to kill: 999+ >

< Determination to kill: 999+ >

< Desire to kill: 999+ >

< Required emotions are met. All conditions are met. The transformation will now begin >

Ryan felt a sudden jolt of pain in the back of his brain, his heart squeezed tightly before the pain went away. 

Ryan's eyes turn red… crimson red… then to dark blood red. His eyeballs disappeared, his body lifted itself in the air. A shadow of blood-red energy started surrounding Ryan. 

< Transformation to the Hunk form completed. >

< The Hunk mode is activated >

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