"My god!"

"Lord Ainz!!"

Ryan heard two loud, scared, yet angry shouts behind him. He took a look from over his shoulder and saw two unknown people behind him.

Ainz's head was lifelessly lying on the ground in a pool of dark black blood. Actually, Ryan didn't really just stand there and cut Ainz's head.

This is what he actually did. Ryan lifted his katana, took his stance to attack and end Ainz's life in a single strike of his katana. 

Ryan used his monstrous Agility points to advance at Ainz. Ryan pulled his katana near his chest, then passed the katana through Ainz's neck with a soft slice.

By slowly bringing the Katana down neare his waist, Ryan rolled from Ainz's left side to stand behind him with their backs facing each other. 

< Name: Henry Floss >

< Gender: Male >

< Age: 33 >

< HP: 320/325 >

< Blood Type: A-- Negative >

< Level: 65 [3500/6600] >

< Trait: Erase Presence >

< Trait Level: 16.7 (Evolved) >

< Race: Human >

< Class: Assassin >

"Which means you are with Ainz." Ryan was not surprised at all at the fact that his skill Vision showed him things it never did before.

"Bastard! You fucking brat!" After seeing Ryan's katana's tip dipped with black blood and Ainz's head lying on the ground, Henry shouted.

Ryan moved his big legs to turn around in the same spot. He saw Henry running towards him with a great sword in his hands. His partner stood behind with a shocked expression. 

'This is….' 

"Hah?!" Henry lost his sense when Ryan suddenly disappeared from his spot.

"Why are you killing me?" He heard Ryan in his ears, "Who ordered you to kill me? Who is behind all this?" Ryan asked in a deep voice.

"You- you- fuck off! Suck my dick, as if I will ever tell you! I will k- ki- kill…. Y… you…." Henry sucked his words back into his throat.

He sensed something hot, something sharp touching against his neck. His eyes rolled down and saw a red katana right below his neck.

"Oh. I see. So you won't tell me." Ryan sighed, "As you wish," his katana started moving, it started going deep inside Henry's neck.

Before he could even let out a scream, his neck was detached from his body. Ryan took a step back, turned around to Henry's companion.

"H- Henry?" he was not able to keep up with anything that happened right now. All he saw was his partner Henry's head in Ryan's hand. 

Ryan landed a step forward, red energy sparkled from his feet. 

"W- how?!?!" he saw Ryan disappear right in front of him. But the head was still there… in the air. 

"Now you tell me. Why? Who?" He saw Henry's head drop down on the ground with a plop sound and the blood spreading over the floor.

He unconsciously went for his sword which was hung against his hips on the left side. But when he reached for his sword… his hands touched nothing but air. 

"Huh? ….I can't feel my fingers." His eyes followed down his body and found his forearm missing.

"Ah. looking for this?" Ryan brought his katana in front of Henry's partner's face. 

"M- my- my arm!" 

On Ryan's katana, the partner's arm was tugged in. just like a piece of chicken on a barbeque stick. Ryan held it in front of him as if offering him a bite.

"It will be your other arm if you don't answer me soon," Ryan was standing behind him with his Katana in front of Henry's partner. 

"We are missionaries. We work for people who pay us more. We have been ordered by Mr. Heffely to kill Ryan Walker. This was our mission."

As soon as he finished, a pointed piece of metal started coming out from his forehead. 

"I see. Thanks." Ryan pushed his katana inside the man's skull. The katana went through softly piercing through that man's brain. 

Without anything, the man died on the spot. Ryan lifted his katana in the air and the man's head detached from his neck. 

Just like when we pull a slice of pizza, the mozzarella cheese hangs from its corners; the man's blood, neck muscles didn't let go of his neck. 

< First time killing a human being. Gained 500+ Exp. >

< Defeated two high-level opponents. Obtained two instant level-ups and 405+ Exp >

< Milestone achieved: First time defeating an Assasin class opponent. Bonus 500+ exp >

< The host's emotions are calming down >

< the whirlpool of emotions has calmed down >

< The Hunk mode will deactivate. The host will go back to the original form from the Hunk form >

Ryan felt his power decreasing. From behind, the others finally caught up with the aura.

"No way-" Brandon stopped in between on the staircase. Devon and others ran past him, "This aura…."

"What in the….!!" Rosy's eyes widened when she saw who was emitting the strong aura. 

"Ryan? You mean, Ryan?" Rigid was as confused as everyone.

"....Ryan…. You said you were not a vampire..." Devon muttered. 

"Ha-ha. Hah." The side of Brandon's mouth twitched a couple of times, "This can't be happening…." 

"Ryan was the one?" Rosy asked with a frown on her wolf face. 

"Hey. is not the aura going away? How are we so sure that Ryan's the one? Maybe another vampire came, killed those two lying on the floor, and ran away?"

They were still far away from Ryan. Ryan was back in his human form. His muscles went back to normal, his stat points went back to normal, his skills, his level, everything.

"That can be possible. That should be it," Brandon hesitated, "It should have been another vampire."

"Right. Ryan doesn't have any weapon with him either. And the way the two heads are sliced…. It's definitely the work of a master swordsman."

"Hm? What is this?" Ryan wondered when he sensed something around him, "I think… I know this smell…." Ryan quickly brought his Trait to use.

"Uh!" Ryan quickly threw his body in the air and turned around, "How the hell is this possible?" Ryan grunted.

* Shot! *

The sound of a gunshot caught everyone's attention, "Why… why is he still alive?" Ryan felt a tight sensation of pain in the left side of his chest.

With pain in his eyes, Ryan glanced at an ugly man standing behind him, his body was still in the air while he got shot in his left chest.. In his heart.

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