My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 173 - Class: Necromancer.

There were burn marks on his skin. The wounds were open, pinkish substance was coming out from his body. His skin was nothing but a mess of flesh. 

Including his face, his arms, his head, his hairs were melted, his nails were melted, his eyes were in a strange shape. Nothing but blood and pink substance after his skin was burnt. 

Ryan pushed his katana's tip against Ainz's barely alive body, 'Burst.' he commanded.

A blue color ball formed around Ryan's body. It was a protective item inside which Ryan was covered.

Ainz's blood started acting weird. Making an uproar inside his body, destroying his organs from inside. The blood was acting like an animal trying to come out of its cage.

"Aaah!!" Ainz screamed in pain. His stomach started getting bigger, his arms were growing bigger, this legs, his head. Blood was overflowing inside his body.

And then- snap!! His body parts burst open. Blood sprayed all over the floor, the walls, the windows, the doors. 

Like a balloon bursting after overfilling it, the same way Ainz's body burst into millions of pieces. Nothing was left, his organs, his flesh, his bones. Everything had disappeared. 

The blood sprayed over Devon and others. They tried defending against the hot liquid but it was useless. 

Seeing that, Ryan lifted his hand, a purple color protective ball formed around the two vampires and the two wolves. They were protected from the hot blood. 

< Defeated a high-level enemy. Gained two instant level-ups. Obtained 600+ Exp >

< Milestone: First time defeating a Necromancer class opponent. Bonus 500+ Exp >

Ryan let out a sigh. Finally, after so many days, Ryan had finally killed Ainz who made him suffer so much, both in dream and reality. 

He somehow felt nice, heartwarming after bursting Ainz's body into a million pieces. A smile spread over Ryan's face. 

< The host's emotions are calming down >

< the whirlpool of emotions has calmed down >

< The Hunk mode will deactivate. The host will go back to the original form from the Hunk form >

The red bubble disappeared. Ryan's body went back to normal, the presence disappeared. Everyone gained back their senses. 

< The creator of the necromancy puppets is killed by the host. Now the remaining necromancy zombies will enter Revenger mode >

< Total zombie kills: 80/109 >

< Total Revenger zombie kills: 0/29 >

'Revenge mode? Revenger?' Ryan had no idea what they were but one thing was sure, it was something bad. 

Brandon raised himself off the ground after letting the wolves go away.

'My- my bond….' Brandon was covered with fear, 'It's gone. I can't feel my items anymore.' He was about to cry. Just about to let everything out.

From behind he saw two huskies making their way towards Ryan. 'They are cute...' He wanted to lie down and squeeze them right now!

"Ah. Huskies."


"Huh? What the fuck?" Rosy barked, "I knew something was off about this guy. Just for once, I thought he was someone cool he gives me this shit." Rosy continued complaining. 

But for Ryan, it all looked like the barking of a cute husky. He could not process anything until he received this notification. 

< Spiritual Translator activated >

< The barking werewolf in front of you is saying: "Huh? What the fuck? I knew something was off about this guy. Just for once, I thought he was someone cool he gives me this shit." >

'Werewolf huh?' this made Ryan get serious. He decided to use his skill. 

< Name: Rigid Russell >

< Age: 17 [Male] >

< HP: 70/100 >

< Blood Type: B+ Positive >

< Level: 27 >

< Trait: Double Muscle >

< Trait level: 7.3 (Unevolved) >

< Race: Full Werewolf >

< Class: Hunter >

"Oh- Rigid?!" Ryan exclaimed. 

"Yeah. Rigid." Rigid got up from the floor, back in his normal form. 

"Wear some clothes," Brandon said from behind.

"Ah. right." he was wearing his extra-large underwear. 

Rigid pulled a bracelet out of his wrist. It was a silver bracelet. Rigid started pulling the bracelet from both sides. 

To Ryan, it looked like Rigid was trying to expand the bracelet. And to Ryan's surprise, it was extended! 

Rigid lifted the bracelet above his head and dropped it down. A flash and Rigid were wearing clothes. 

'What the….' Ryan found it amazing. 

< Item: Dresser Bracelet >

< Rarity: [Legendary] Only made by and for werewolves >

< Description: A bracelet made by and for werewolves. This bracelet is a new technology gadget that allows only werewolf users to dress automatically. >

< Usage: Extend the bracelet to the size of your head, place it on top of your head and you will be dressed randomly automatically. >

'Man… this is amazing.'

"Here, Rosy." he placed his bracelet over the cute wolf's head between her ears. 

A flash and she was turned back to Rosy, wearing a t-shirt and a skirt below. 

"You definitely are not a vampire." was the first thing Rosy said instead of thanking him.

"Uh- um-" Ryan spotted Devon, he was asking for help with eye contact.

"He is a Human vampire. Even I and Brandon were having trouble sensing vampire genes in him. He must have turned into a vampire because I infected him." 

"Then what- what was all that? You- you were emitting a very, very, very strong aura."

"Ah, that- no wait. What do you mean you infected me, Devon?" Ryan ignored Brandon and focused on Devon.

"You were shot in the heart. I had no other choice. Turning you into a vampire means you won't need your heart to beat to continue living as a vampire."

"Oh. thanks. But I don't think I am anything above a Human vampire even now."

"You are not. I still can't sense it." Brandon interrupted, "What was the aura you were emitting? How did you do it?"

"N- nothing, sir. I just got really angry, everything touched me because of that Ainz bastard. And somehow, my body took control over my mind."

"This doesn't make any sense." Ryan left Brandon in deep thinking. 

'Oh no. The Revenger zombies.' Ryan suddenly realized something important. 

"Guys. we should get out of here. There still are zombies around the building. Please leave, go ahead. I will smash every zombie and catch up with you later."

"Wha? Alone? No way. I will help you." 

"Just leave. I wanna have some fun. Lemme smash some zombies. I had something personal with Ainz so I gotta settle it myself with my own hands."

"Oh… okay," they were confused.

"Please leave. I will catch up later." Ryan was hurrying things cause he could already hear the zombies angrily making their way upstairs.

'Damn… these mindless creatures never acted this furiously.. So this is what Revenger zombies are.'

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