"Devon is still inside. On the ground floor. He has found your zombie friend. He is waiting for you in the Left Wing with your zombie friend. Go now, before the whole building catches fire,"

He walked away after whispering those sentences in Ryan's ears. Ryan's left eye widened after hearing that, 'Pete...' was the only name in his mind. 

"Ryan! What is wrong? You seem…"

"Oh, no, nothing. Ugh, I gotta get Devon, he is still waiting for me. I will be back,"

"What?! No, there is no way you are going in there, it is even on fire right now!" Doc shouted but Ryan had already taken off running.

"Sorry, Doc! I will make sure to pay you for this," he waved his hand as he disappeared into the smokey building. The fire was reaching the second floor. 

'Tsk. this idiot.' Doc shook her head a few times. 

'Pete...' Ryan raced through the smoke, ran through the corridor, and reached the Left Wing. 

He slowed down his pace, because of all the smoke in there, Ryan was not able to see clearly, more like, the smoke was making it hard for him to breathe. 

Cough cough cough. 

He suddenly heard someone coughing nearby. 'Devon!' he recognized the voice as soon as he heard it. Ryan took long strides and saw a silhouette… no, two silhouettes.

One silhouette was leaning against the wall, while the other one was…. Squeeze the wall silhouette's neck?!

'Damn… I can not breathe….' Devon was suffering. He had a tight grip around his neck, choking him to death, 'Ryan! Please come fast.' he wished. 

'Oh, shit. What the heck? Is Devon choking Pete… no, it seems more like Pete is choking Devon.' Ryan thought, 'But how is that possible?! Devon is a vampire which means he does not need air to live; Pete?! Come on, he's a fucking zombie! And zombies do not choke, they fucking eat your brain!'

Without thinking further, Ryan dashed through the smoke, 'If it is you, Devon, then I am sorry.' Ryan lifted his fist in the air, aimed at the choker silhouette's head. 

Ryan felt something hard, hitting against his fist as he punched the person's head. The person, without a sound, flew away in the air before falling on the ground, a few meters away. 

Cough cough cough cough cough cough. 

Because of the great shockwave, Ryan's punch generated, the smoke around him and Devon started clearing up. Ryan could finally see the person who was coughing. 

"D- Devon! Thank god it is you." Ryan spoke in a bright voice, "But wait…." his smile faded, "If you are here, then the one I hit must be a zombie… and if it is a zombie, then there is no doubt. It is Pete!"

"Yeah-" Cough cough cough, "The one you hit was Pete!" Cough cough cough. 

"C- calm down, man. Take a breath." Ryan told Devon as he patted Devon's back. 

"Check if he is dead or not," Devon coughed again.

"No. He is not dead. I did not put that much power in my punch,"

"Not good then." Devon finally managed to get ahold of his coughing, "You got to kill him, Ryan. as soon as possible." Devon spoke in a low voice. He raised his head, his red eyes were glowing in the grey smoke.

"R- right now?!" Ryan seemed surprised.

"Huh. what do you mean, right now? Yeah, sure as hell right now!  I mean, he is a zombie, man!"

Ryan took some time before replying. With a weak laugh, full of hesitation, Ryan replied, "Haha- before I kill him, do not you think we should get out of here? The smoke and all are making things harder to see. We should get out of here first. Let us find a safe spot and do whatever we should do there,"

"G- good. Good idea," Devon was about to cough again, "Just what the heck is this smoke about?!" he asked, seemingly annoyed by the smoke around him which made him cough frequently.

"Ugh..." Of course, Devon did not know, "The building is on fire. So the smoke… yeah." Ryan shrugged.

Devon froze there with his big red eyes. Ryan thought if he did something wrong to get such an intense stare.

"You. Grab Pete." Devon turned around and started running towards the Left Wing's exit, "And follow me!" with that, Devon disappeared in the smoke.

"Huh? What the… hey, wait!" Ryan quickly found Pete's body, unconscious body. Which he was sure was not a dead body because he did not receive any message from the System.

Killing Pete means he has completed the Quest of killing the horde of zombies, the army of the dead, and the Revenger zombies. Which all~ was a big deal.

Ryan followed Devon out of the exit. They ran without looking behind them.

Ryan quietly followed Devon without knowing where he was taking him.

"So where do we go now?" Devon asked Ryan.

"Huh? You are asking me?! What the hell does that mean?"

"Huh, how the heck would I know what the safest spot could be? I was not the one who went on a date with Naomi in the afternoon,"

'Ah…. so this is what it is about huh?' Ryan's eye twitched a couple of times, 'But wait… although I never came to this corner with Naomi… I still remember the spot I saw from the main building's window.'

"Devon, take a left!" without thinking, Devon just simply followed my order, "This is it!"

We were away from the fire, we were away from the plaza, we were away from the main entrance. We were standing in the left corner of the whole dormitory's campus. It was behind a small cabin-like abandoned room. 

This was the safest- Nah, this was the darkest spot on the whole area. There was a similar cabin-like room on the right side, which was locked.

But the right side's room was closer to the main entrance and for some reason… it was clean and would not be considered as the ideal hiding spot.

"Yeah, this spot might be cool," Devon agreed. We came to a stop, I threw Pete on the ground, "Now Ryan, do it." Devon said with a serious expression.




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