My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 200 - I’m Traumatized.

"Why did you come here, Ryan? If you don't want me to heal you then why were you here for?" 

"I- I walked here on my instincts,"

"Instincts? Really?" 

"I guess… I don't really have a reason to come here,"


"Yesterday, I had a heart-already-broken breakup. She dumped me first, then we had a mutual ending,"

"B- break up?!" Devon got up from his bed.

"Your? Wait- wait you had a girlfriend? Since when? Devon up got back to bed," 

I sighed, "As expected, you would never think I can have a girlfriend cause I am the weakest-"

"Shut your trap and tell me,"

"Okay. I was in a long-distance relationship, her name was Erin Heffley,"

"Long-distance one huh, still I am uh I feel, I never thought you were taken,"

"Doc… please. She is one year younger than me, she lives in Alaska, she's from California though,"

"I see, so then? Why did you guys,"

"Toxic. Your relationship was getting toxic,"

"Whose fault was it?"

"First mine, then hers. I was a prick, I tried manipulating her. Then she started treating me badly. I lost the spark right there. I was falling out of love when I was the one who even planned about marrying her. But because of her fault, her coldness, the way she talked with me, I lost the spark"

"You and marriage? Ryan are you serious?"

"I sure or was. But that bitch is a bitch. The more I swear is less for that bitch,"

"Woah- Woah. I never had a heartbreak like that so I can't understand your feelings but still..." Doc moved towards me, "I am always here if you want me to comfort you, here, service" she pulled my head into her chest with both of her hands. 

My head was sinking down in her soft boobs. While one of her hands was holding my head deep into her chest without letting me pull my head away. Her other hand was rubbing my back. 

"Wait- you never had a heartbreak?"

"U- uhh oops. I gave that information out in the flow. Yeah, Ryan. I feel shameful right now but I have never dated anyone,"

"What- that means you are a virgin!"

"Shut up, please. Yeah, I am a virgin, but you better keep it in between us two or else I will never heal you,"

"Oh yeah, yeah sure!" 

"That's it end of your service," she pulled my head away.

"T- thanks..."

"Come again anytime for free service, haha!"

"Ah come on, don't mess with me now,"

"I am kidding come here," she pulled me into her arms again. 

"Guys. I feel like the third wheel now. Please can you do it somewhere else? You are getting too clingy,"

"Hmm, you think so Devon. But this is just skinship between a teacher and student to deepen their bond," Devon groaned. 

"Doc… I guess… this was the reason why I came here today," I muttered.

"Oh yeah? Good then, forget about Erin. she is not in your life anymore. You can get over her, you can move on don't let it affect your future,"

"That's right. I know that but I still find it hard to do,"

"Does she haunts you?" she whispered in my ears.

"I am traumatized"

"Trauma? Really?"

"I was planning about our marriage, Doc. this heartbreak was too much for me. I decided to change my religion for her, leave everything behind just for her and this is what she did to me,"

"Don't tell your story to anyone else, they will declare you as a perfect stupid, dumb, idiotic, and dramatic man. Come to me, I will listen to your story the whole day,"

"First… they give you butterflies..." I murmured in Doc's arms, "Then they give you only mental traumas,"

"Don't worry. I am a doctor I will cure all types of your traumas,"

"Cough, cough. Sorry to disturb you," I opened my eye, my eye moved to the infirmary's door. 

"Oh- sorry," Doc pulled me away, "Now this feels awkward a little, haha"

"A little? Too much," I moved away from Doc, "What brings you here Rigid?"

"How is Devon?"

"Oh he's recovering surprisingly good," Doc reported, "He will get better over the weekend, he should get better,"

"I just came here to inform you guys, a class-wise, unit-wise competition is going to be held in the next week or so,"

"Competition? An event?" I asked.

"Yep. Class A vs Class B. Units of Class A vs. Units of Class B"

"Wow, that sounds cool,"

"Mr. Atkinson said it will be after the Visitors' event,"

"Visitors' what?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Visitors' Event, Ryan. But Rigid is not this event held somewhere between July?"

"Yeah, Doctor, Mr. Johan sir thinks students still need time to recover from all the ruckus so they have thought about holding Visitors' even before the class-wise competition."

"Oh, that's how it will be this year," Rigid nodded. 

"Well, sorry for disturbing you with… uh… whatever you were doing. I will get going so you can continue now, bye" Rigid ran out of the infirmary.

"He's so funny, right Doc?" 

"Sure he is. So Ryan where were we?"

"My trauma"

"Right, so continue,"

"I don't really wanna talk about it for now. I am still traumatized by her memories. I dream about the worst memories I have of her, her cold replies, by the way, she dated her lesbian friend and she claims that she's straight,"

"That's messed up, no offense. But who would claim they are straight after dating their gay friend?"

"She still cares so, so much about her gay friend, I am really… it's heartbreaking, Doc"

"Ryan," Devon was getting up from his bed, "This was your first time right?"

"Yes, it was. I wanted my first girlfriend to be my first and last girlfriend. I wanted my first girlfriend to be my one and only wife,"

"That must have been hard. I can imagine the pain. But if she's okay with you not being in her life why are you so pathetic?"

"Cause I was the one who even thought about marrying her! She was just dating for fun! She thought she'll date me for a few years and then break up with me! Dating is not even allowed in her house!"

"Damn… why did you get yourself in such a mess, Ryan? Why?"

"Cause… cause I loved her man…." Tears started flowing from my right eye only, "I was committed to her with everything I had. I fought my mom, my dad. For her, I worsened my relationship with mom. Just because I loved her,"




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200 chapters special!! Oh my god, time just flew by~ we are here, hitting 200 chapters. It is a milestone, another hundred chapters milestone.

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