".....Am I…. dead?" His hand grew a marvelous amount of fire, before I even knew it before I even got time to dodge it, it had pierced through my left chest.

The fire pierced through my heart, it left a big hole in my left chest. I lost consciousness in a few seconds.

< Health remaining: Zero >

< Blood Level: Zero >

< Activating Quick Transmigration. Rewinding your death >

'If I am dead, then why am I hearing this machine's voice even in my afterlife?' I thought it was strange to hear this voice after I am dead.

"Ryan?!" Rigid shouted. His body fell down with the hole in his chest.

"That was easy. Why'd you take so much time, Sarah?" Jackie asked her.

"Ryan? Hey, dude, wake up. Dude!" Devon glared at Jackie.

"He's dead. Let's go, Sarah, Gen. Our mission is accomplished." Jackie turned.

"Wait." Rigid muttered, "You can't just walk away like that after killing my junior!!" Rigid darted, his muscles came out of the body, spread all over covering his body the tightened up.

Jackie's back was all open, he jumped after he reached the right spot. Rigid already had his right hand ready to punch Jackie.

But his punch didn't reach, in a flash, Gen appeared in front of Rigid to block his punch. Gen took the punch right head-on on his forearm.

"Ahhh!!" Rigid screamed. He put all his power in his right hand, all the weight of his body- he threw Gen away… his right arm moved forward, it pushed Gen away.

Jackie moved. Rigid landed down, he didn't stop he quickly went for Jackie on his right side.

"Uh! Useless Gen you are, yes." Sarah this time. She put her sword forward and defended Rigid's forearm before it could even come forth. Rigid landed, Sarah used her left hand to support her right hand which held the short sword.

"You kids really don't get it." Jackie tsk-tsked showing fake grief.

"Rigid…." The voice faded slowly.

"Huh?" Rigid gasped. Gen had reached from behind and killed Robert, Devon was underground.

"Don't let your guard down." Sarah left her place, Rigid jerked forward when the force stopping him disappeared. His whole body fell forward.

"Serves you right." Jackie took her place. Rigid gained his balance. He came back to his feet.

"What a waste. Good grief." Jackie caught Rigid's face in his hands. He was not even looking at Rigid, "Goodbye kid." Fire burst out of the hand which held Rigid's face.

Rigid's face was set on fire, his whole face burned down to ashes. Devon was killed too with the long knife stabbed through his forehead.

'Ah, it's dark...' I opened my eyes in the 'nowhere.' it was all dark, my body was floating in that dark space of nothingness, 'I.. just died...' I murmured. 'What's happening?'

Suddenly a view started to appear in front of me…. 'Hah, this is my school…. The battleground which was set on fire… the Mafias are here too… but why am I seeing them…?'

<Transmigrating into Robert's body.>

I moved my hand to touch my face. There it was… my dead body lying next to me. I was in Robert's body, 'what?' Rigid just spoke something then he ran towards those guys.

I moved my head, 'This is... Robert's body! This Ring?' I got up. 'Ah… for some reason my body feels so weak and it hurts a lot! So this is how bad Robert was hurt?'

<Quest appeared: Save your life by sacrificing Robert's life.>

'Huh? There's no way I can do that! More like I am dead already--' My voice faded away… I started feeling numb.

I gasped. I woke up back to my consciousness… but in Robert's body. I saw Jackie in front of me, he took his hand behind him… this is the time. I need to save myself.

< Sacrifice Robert's life and save yours.>

'This is what the system is telling me but how am I supposed to kill my own senior to save my life? He will be dead forever… they all will blame me for his death…. There's no way I can keep the blame-'

<He will be resurrected. Robert is the third strongest of their Academy, if someone of the top ten dies then Masters hold a resurrection event.>

'That's just too unfair… but if that's the case then I will believe this Ring and...' I used the stones to make a long iron rod, '...I will...' I pushed myself with the help of that rod, I was jerked Robert's body, '...get myself killed...' Jackie threw his fire, I jumped in my place.


I saw Jackie's frustrated face in front of me. I moved my head to check who I was this time. I gasped, "W-what is..." Robert's body lay beside me. Not to mention it was in the worst state.

'T-this is what my body would have been!' I covered my mouth. I stood up. I took a full view of Robert's half gone body.

There was nothing but his arms, head, leg below his knees left of Robert's body. They were connected with small tiny bones they were not detached. His whole body was gone, like burned to ashes. His neck, his abdomen, his thighs, his chest… everything.

"I killed the wrong kid. Not like it matters though." Jackie created another fire in his hands, "I will get the right one this time."

'Oh fuck.' I jerked my body and took a jump to the side. I felt something hot as I landed down on the ground. 'Hurts! Ow!' He got my chest. Not as exact to make a hole in my chest but this was enough to kill anyone.

<A one-centimeter-deep burn has been detected. Activating auto-healing.>

'That deep?!'

<Quest two completed. Rewards have been added.>

I struggled to get up. My T-shirt was on fire, the unbearable pain in my chest was too much for me, my T-shirt fully burned away my whole skin was feeling like it was still on fire.

<Quest three appeared. Play dead.>

'Yeah… I don't have enough stamina to stand either.' I gave up on my consciousness.

Jackie doesn't stop. Gen grith his teeth. "Sarah my lord we need to stop him or we won't be able to escape." Jackie spreads fire all over. Devon goes underground he gets Ryan's body in his hands.

Rigid double his muscles and carried Robert's remaining parts. Rigid's and Devon's clothes too got half burned by the fire.

"My lord stop please!" Gen grabs Jackie by arm, Sarah helps Gen too. Teachers were already making their way inside, the ones with flying Traits surrounded the whole sky above Jackie and others' heads.

"Ryan is dead anyway we should leave! Retreat!" Masters were gathering above their heads, teachers coming from the side too. Jackie came back to his senses.

"Grab onto me!" He ordered. Sarah did it gladly, Gen already had his hand on Jackie. "We will fly!" Jackie laughed, a huge amount of fire formed near Jackie's feet. He lifted his feet off the ground with Sarah and Gen.

'Teachers! Don't let them get away! We leave the sky in your hands!' Steve asked the flying Masters.

"We won't."

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