My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 211 - A Few Things Remain Unknown.

"Maybe something will happen and she will tell you about her childhood?" Gwen asked me.

"Nope. I don't think we will meet again, not in this life at least,"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I don't believe in fate"

"What does it got to do with fate?"

"You know…. She once told me a Chinese anthology"

"What anthology?" Doc asked in between.

"If I told it right now, it will be off-topic,"

"I don't fucking mind. Tell me"

"Are you guys sure?" they nodded.

"It was 12th February. She was telling me about some video"

[ Ewrites: in the middle of the video, it said about a Chinese Anthology ]

"She waited for me to reply but I was mad at her again. More like I was mad at my sister… I mean her sister"


[ Ewrites: that if soulmates from the past life promise each other to be together in the next life each of them would have a mole on one of their palms

One of them gets in on the right and the other gets in on the left ]

"Oh, really?" Devon checked his palm, "Looks like I didn't meet my soulmate in my past life or we just didn't make some kind of promise,"

"Don't take it too seriously, Devon. It's just an anthology," Doc told him. Oh. of course, she did. She's a doctor, a scientist who doesn't believe in such unscientific things.

"Yeah, all those superstitions are nothing more than a theory made by people"

"I fucking know right. I used to believe them till I was like twelve but after that, I saw that things like these are not real and got over that fucking stuff"

"Wow, not a single woman seems to believe in such stuff," I saw Pete silently checking his palm.

"Duh, Ryan. do you expect a doctor to believe such things?" she scoffed. 

"I don't either. Cool" 

[ Ewrites: so it might be easy for them to find each other I find it ironically funny ]

"I am gonna have a hard time finding my soulmate," Devon muttered. 

"You don't need to do something like that, man..."

[ I don't believe in the next lives. To me, it's just one life, you only live once. I kinda like to stick to those YOLO

Why is it so funny? I have one, not exactly on my palm but it's on the palm of my ring finger on the left ]

"What the~ she had one?!" 

"Uwaa, seriously?"

"Yep. she did. And you might have guessed it already that as soon as she sends me that text I started searching for a mole on my both palms… but I didn't see any..."

"Ow- too bad. So according to the anthology you were not her soulmate?"

"Heh, let's see if I am her soulmate or not. Is what I would have said if we were still dating but as we broke up then yeah I can say I AM NOT HER AND NEVER WAS HER FUCKING SOULMATE"

[ It's not true. That is what makes it funny ]

[ lol I see you just don't believe that you promised your soulmate in your previous life that you both will be together because we live once? ]

[ Exactly! Like, people who live the rest of their lives together and don't have a mole on their palms- what? They lived with someone in tin their past life and never promised to be together again? ]

"Not everyone wants to be with someone they are married to in this life. Not everyone does. Forced marriages, arrange marriages… but who would make that dump stupid girl understand that?"

"The fact that she has a mole on her left palm and I don't I started searching for a mole, I even googled how to make a mole on your palm. But it was all worthless"

"Woah, you really believed that anthology?"

"Nope, I just like this little stuff. I love them, if she sits beside him I would hate it, if she even talks with someone I would hate it cause I love her. And Erin used to give her male classmates' high-fives"

"I don't even want a girlfriend right now. After all that shit, if making a girlfriend and being committed to her this much means nothing but the pain then thanks I don't wanna play this girlfriend-boyfriend game anymore. I will die single, but never make a girlfriend… ah, sorry. I just got into that feel…." they were staring at me.

"You will die a virgin at this rate…."

"No, I won't. There are places named as 'Red Light City'"

"What the fuck? You fucking serious?"

"Yeah, I don't know what I am sharing this with you but yeah I a serious. I have thought about this. If the thing is about sexual pleasure then prostitutes are far better than wives or girlfriends. They might complain cause they don't reach orgasm, they might cheat on your just because of that reason. But prostitutes their only goal is to keep you happy, give you pleasure!"

"Shut the hell up, Ryan! You are not supposed to talk about things like that so openly,"

"Oh, damn. Again sorry guys. I can't even imagine having a wife, and future with her. If anything if the time comes and I do fall for someone, I will just never make a move. I don't want that pain again. Not because I am a coward but because I don't have time to play these things"

"Yea, let's meet here in half an hour from now. Don't get caught up in some kind of a mess, Ryan" Doc told me as she walked away towards the teacher's cafeteria.

Sighing, I said, "I hope I don't get into some kind of trouble,"

"You won't. Go take my lunch, I will get tables for ourselves" Devon went off. We took off for our lunches. I took his tray. We walked but stopped.

"Where is Devon sitting guys? He usually takes a table which is in the front. He is not visible"

"But an empty table is visible" I spotted a table with a person sitting on it. 

"Devon, he's Devon" I saw him near the table, not sitting but standing near the table. And in front of him… was she. Taylor Jane. 




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Weekly Goals for this week:

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Gifts: 20 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above = Two chapters. (This is monthly.)

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