Ryan's whole body was trembling in fear, his legs, his arms, his head… his fingers were shivering. 

"You wanted to know the purpose of your life, right? Then this is your purpose." Professor continued, "Make it your Ikigai. Revenge your parents' death, become stronger and take over the whole underworld."

Ryan did not reply. There was no way he could function his brain and speak at this moment. His palms started feeling cold, his feet were feeling cold from beneath. 

"I will help you on your journey to become the strongest. There are still quite a few secrets hidden from you students, from us humans. I will help you reveal those secrets.

"All I want from you in return is…. Passion, desperation, resolve, determination. If you do not give those feelings to me in return, I will drop everything and leave. 

"Make me a promise, my son…. Will you kill the underworld big shots and the God of Underworld? Will you become the strongest person alive? Will you…. Take revenge for your father and mother's death?!"

Ryan stuttered. His voice was so low that Professor did not get what he was saying. Ryan opened his mouth, instead of thinking inside his mind, he wanted to answer Professor with words.

"I will." Ryan nodded with a deep breath, "I will! I. Will!" To think that his parents did not died in an accident but were killed by the God of Underworld and his subordinates. 

His subordinates include Tye, Sienna, Ainz, Henry, Jackie, Sarah…. Who knows who else was involved? Ryan could not suppress his anger anymore.

"I…. I will take over the Underworld! I will fucking kill the God of the Underworld! It…. is my promise to you, Professor." A few drops of tears fell down Ryan's cheek from his right eye.

"....thanks." Professor muttered in a cracking voice, "But you, from now on, got to be really, really aware of your surroundings. Their assassins and spies are all around you."

"The Mafia?" 

"Yes. The Mafia. They are just looking for the right time to kill you, but now it looks like they created the right time to kill you."

"And they failed. I killed their men instead."

"I am proud of you."

"Now it makes sense why I was being attacked since that day," Ryan remembered the day when he was sitting on his bed thinking about how bad his life was.

Then his maid opened the door as they had some visitors, she was shot dead, Ryan was chased down by the Mafias, etc. 

"....Ryan….?" He heard a soft moan near his thigh. At first, he thought it was the Professor again but when the voice seemed a little lewd and too feminine, Ryan took a look at his thigh.

Gwen was looking at him with two big, cute eyes, "W- why were you crying?" She asked with a serious worried expression.

"N- nothing." Ryan sobbed as he rubbed his tears away, "You are just too heavy, my thigh started aching and it made me cry in pain."

"Meanie." She used Ryan's thigh to get up off Ryan's thigh, she sat beside him without looking at him. She quickly pulled her hair and tied them into a messy bun on the top of her head.

She looked at Ryan from the corner of her eye, "You did not do anything naughty with me, did you?"

"You wish." 

"Right. You have a better option. Doctor Mary that is." Gwen snorted as she adjusted her shirt around her big melons. 

"..... it is not what you think….." Ryan replied.

"Well, whatever. I am going to the washroom." Gwen informed Ryan before getting up from the bench and walking to the sliding door. 

"Ryan." He heard his name in a serious tone, "Do not let this relationship get spoiled, ruined. Listen to me, follow her. Do not let her go." 

Instinctively, Ryan got up from the bench, "Gwen!" he called out to her. She had passed through the door already but after hearing Ryan call her name, she took a step back and looked at him by tilting her head out of the door.


"I am betting this on you, Professor. If anything goes wrong-"

"Then at least it went wrong instead of not leading anywhere. Trust me, bro, I am here to help you."

"C- can I come with you?"

"Huh….?" Gwen looked confused, "S- sure though. But do you think it will be a wise decision to come to a women's washroom? Of course, I do not mind though but there might be other girls present there."

"Eh, no! I do not mean that! C- can I just, you know, hang out with you for a few minutes?"

She took another step inside, "Whoa. The Ryan wants to spend his time with a low-life like me?" She said sarcastically, "So rare!"

"It is not funny, Gwen."

"Then why are you even asking? Can I hang out with you? What type of question is that? You are not asking me out so just… come with me." She quickly stepped out of the classroom.

"Good." Ryan followed behind her.

"Cool, now do not let the conversation die. If it dies, it will create an awkward situation between you two, so be sure to keep up the conversation."

"So?" She tilted her head at Ryan who was walking behind her, "What did you want to talk about?"

'Eh, Did I ever say I wanted to talk with her?'

"Does not matter. Just do not let the conversation die. Ask her anything!"

"Uh…. I was wondering, just, you know…." Ryan was nervous, "I was curious about you. We did not talk since that day…."

"Oh… that." Gwen turned around, "How can I say, I was just not able to bring myself to face you. That is it." She replied with a smile.

'Ugh. this is getting nowhere.'

"That is it?"

"Yep, that is it." she nodded.

'This is seriously getting nowhere.' Ryan gritted his teeth secretly.

The situation was getting tense, "Ryan! What are you doing? Speak something!" Professor continuously kept telling Ryan to speak up. 

"Do not let this relationship break! Come on! Ugh! You are ruining it, bro. Say something!" 

"Uh, Gwen!"

"What?!" She panicked, "D- do not call me like that…. I was startled." She sighed. 

"Gwen. I have something to ask regarding our relationship."

"Uhm. sure." 

"What are we?"


"Just. What. Are. We?" Ryan asked with a pause making sure she gets every word he says. 




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Yo, it's reset time. A new week with a new motivation to work!! Here are the goals to hit, let us kill our target!

Weekly Goals for this week:

Gifts: One extra ch. for 3 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above. 

2. Power Stones: 50 Power Stones = 1 extra Ch. [we were not going above 50 for a few weeks now so I decided to decrease the goal's value]

3. Golden Tickets: 5 Golden Ticket = 1 extra Ch. (This is weekly. One ticket means in the particular week, not the month.) 

4. Win-Win Mission: 15 Privilege chapter unlocks = 1 extra Ch. (I do not even know if anybody is even reading this.)

Monthly Goals for this Month:

Gifts: 20 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above = Two chapters. (This is monthly.)

Golden Tickets: 20 Golden tickets = 1 extra ch. (At the end of the month that is.)

Win-Win Mission: 300 Privilege chapter unlocks = 2 extra Ch. (I have increased the number of required chapters as I have also increased the number of extra chapters.)

Good luck to you. Hit the freaking goals! Let us go....!!

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