Ryan was waiting for Professor's reply. He kind of knew already what Professor's reply would be. 

'Do not go there, do not mess with them, stay away, be safe, blah blah blah.' 

"Hm. I will tell you everything about them,"

"Huh?" Ryan was dumbfounded, "You do not mind?"

"Why would I? It is your choice. You have two chances of resurrection available with you anyway. So if you died, it would not change a thing."

"....." Ryan felt a dagger piercing his heart when he heard Professor's answer. That was harsh but true.

"So, tell me. Tell me everything about the-"

"Ambassador. It is the post above Ascendants, they are not subclasses of vampires, they are the ranks given to vampires in their family.

"They are trusted by the Master and the Elders. They are often in charge of the household when the Master is not present. Their base level is above 50, starting from 51. They belong to the subclass: Elite Vampires. The top second post of the Vampire Army and top third post of the household."

"Then comes our Ascendants…." Professor took a pause, "Keep walking or else I am stopping."

"Tch. yeah, yeah." Ryan started walking forward, without knowing where he was going he continued walking.

"They are…. Old. Ascendants are below Ambassadors, top third military position, and fourth family position. They are old enough to help lead or help the Guardians, and the hunters. Their base level is 25 onwards. Still, do not underestimate them."

"....There is no way I can underestimate them after that horrible experience with Brandon." Ryan quickly replied.

"Kid," Ryan heard a soft voice of a woman, a mature woman while he was walking down the corridor with his head down. Ryan raised his head.

In front of him was standing a beautiful, mature lady her orange eyes were piercing Ryan's eye, her hip level long red hair was tied up in a bun. 

"I know you must be sad because you lost your friends but please…. Do not walk around with that gloomy expression. Cheer up! Everything will be alright." 

Although she said those kind words, there was no sign of kindness, not a hint of kindness on her face. Ryan, for a second thought she was being sarcastic. 

"Oh sorry." she turned to a man behind her, "Translate it," she ordered.

"Ah- no." Ryan replied, "I- I can understand Japanese. Thank you for your concern, ma'am. I will be on my way," Ryan quickly went past through her.

"Ah…. fine." she sighed with a sad expression and continued walking.

'D– damn… S- she was this Academy's Head General!' Ryan remembered the time when he had used his Triat on a red-haired woman the first time they had reached the Academy.

"Tanikawa Sadako hmmm," He heard Professor's voice in his mind, "She is a strong woman with a great history," he told Ryan as he sat in his chair with his index finger and thumb holding his chin.

"She looks so~ cold!" 

"Eh? No, Ryan, she is totally hot!" Professor protested quickly without any doubt.

"Huh? No, I was not talking about her appearance. I was talking about her cold expressions… but yeah, she is hot indeed." Ryan had no choice but the agree. 


"As if you are the one to say that!" Ryan almost shouted at Professor.

"Good morning, General Fraser-san." Ryan heard Sadako's voice behind him. 

< Activated enhanced hearing >

A notification flashed from Ryan's eyes. Ryan did not pay attention to the notification and turned his head around.

"It is nice to see you, Tanikawa-san," Ryan heard Brandon's reply, "So what is that you wanted to discuss with me?"

"Oh. yes. About today's conference." Sadako took a pause, "I think we should announce the new protocols as soon as possible to the students."

"New protocols huh…. So soon? It has not been even a day and your team has already made new protocols? As expected of Japan's disaster management."

"Haha, why thank you. But, these protocols were not imposed by us or our team. Even I was reported with the new protocols today morning."

"Hm~?" Brandon raised his eyebrow, "Then who could be behind this? If the Head General is being informed then who would come up with the new protocols?"

An angry smile spread over Sadako's face, although she did not want her smile to be angry she can not help it, after all, that is how she looks, that is her natural face.

"Well, that is a protocol too. I can not tell you the name of the man behind the scenes."

"Could it be," Brandon took a pause, "Japan's top Royal family?" 

Sadako gasped, almost unnoticeable gasp. She turned around, "The Auditorium after lunch, I hope you would not be late, Fraser-san."

"Oh, I would not make you wait for long, Tanikawa-san."

"Eh~ Till then, later." They changed paths and walked away.

"...." Ryan stood a few meters away from both of them with a surprised and cringed expression on his face.

"W- what the hell was that…" Ryan asked, "Is that how old flirt? It is fucking cringe." Ryan felt an insect crawl up his skin. 


Ryan reached the room he was sleeping in. It was a second-year student's classroom. Ryan entered the classroom. Doc was missing, Gwen was not there, Naomi was not in the room, Rigid and Rosy were somewhere out together. 

Ryan saw Devon notice Ryan with a worried expression, "A second,"

"Sure," Devon pulled Ryan outside the room with him. 

Devon took Ryan to a corner at the end of the corridor, Devon sighed with a super worried expression.

"Ryan, what about Pete now?"

"... what do you mean?"

"Would not you miss Pete? I mean, he was one of us and now…. Even his body has perished into dust. Do not you think we would have been able to resurrect him?"

"Professor, is that possible?"

"No. Resurrecting a zombie is not possible. One of the main requirements for the resurrection: the person should be dead. Zombies on the other hand are still half-alive. And to kill a zombie,  you smash its brains. Unfortunately, the person's heart or brain should be in place for the resurrection process to continue."

"Nothing," Ryan replied Devon, "I do not regret what I did. He was our friend, I do miss him but… there is nothing we can do."

"Ryan… how can you move on so quick-" Devon swallowed his words down. Ryan's past flashed in front of Devon's eyes. He looked down.

"You gotta move on, Devon. That is life." Ryan patted Devon's shoulder. 




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