My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 25 - About The System.

< Quest four appeared: Explore the Ring System >

"Come on. It's this late already." Ryan yawned, turned in his bed, "But my finger is still in pain."

The screen was still visible in front of Ryan.

< Quest 0 >

< Quest 1 >

< Quest 2 >

< Quest 3 >

The screen showed this. Ryan touched the first block.

< Quest Zero: Wear the Ring > A new tab opened with the title 'Quest Zero.'

< Status: Completed >

< Rewards: None >

'That's it? So wait. I complete the Quest Zero without knowing. It says 'Wear the Ring' ah the time I put the Ring in my finger...'

He touched the back arrow at the top of the screen it took him to the previous tab.

The same tab that displayed the Quests. 

< Quest 1 >

< Quest 2 >

< Quest 3 >

He clicked the Quest One block. It took him to a new tab.

< Quest One: Defeat Robert >

< Status: Completed >

< Rewards: New Game

EXP: +40

Attack: +5

Defense: +5

Sp. (Special) Attack: 3

Sp. (Special) Defense: 4

Bloods: +35 >

My eyes went wide. 'The hell? I have this? Come on! Isn't this exactly just like an RPG! Fuck! This is amazing!'

End of the display. He went to the previous tab and clicked on the next option.

< Quest Two: Save your Life >

< Status: Completed >

< Rewards: 100 Bloods

Exp: +80

Total HP (Health Points): +5

Total Blood Level: +5 >

"What is Bloods?" I questioned himself. Out of curiosity, I clicked the 'Bloods' in the rewards section. I hoped for it to take me to another tab and explain what Bloods is.

< Bloods is the official currency of The Ring System. Collect Bloods to buy items from the store. You can get Bloods as rewards by completing Quests or a daily Quest >

It instead told me everything. It spoke, the voice, it came out and told me about what Bloods is.


I went back and clicked the next Quest.

< Quest Three: Play dead >

< Status: Completed >

< Rewards:

Exp: +10

Bloods: +20 >

That was it. I went back to the start which had these options showing. 'I guess this is the main tab screen.'

< Stats >

< Attacks & Skills >

< Quests >

< Bloods >

< Settings >

The New option had disappeared now. I guess cause I checked it out.

'Okay, the next is Stats.' I pressed my finger against it. A new Tab appeared. The title read: Stats. It kinda got me excited.

< Level: 0 >

< Exp: 100/100 >

< Attack: 10 >

< Defense: 8 >

< Sp. Attack: 3 >

< Sp. Defense: 4 >

< HP: 10 >

< Blood Level: 10 >

For some reason, the Exp block was blinking restlessly just like the 'New' thing did. I clicked the blinking thing.

< Exp full. Leveling up >

'Leveling up?' the pain in my finger increased suddenly which made me scream. I grabbed my wrist, the screen disappeared with a clinking sound.

The irresistible pain increased, "W- what?" My finger came off. The finger with Ring came off from my palm it was high above in the air. 'W-wh- really what is going on?' I thought.

A light started gathering around my cut-off finger, a crimson-colored light gathered in front of my finger. With a whoosh sound, all of the crimson-colored light energy got soaked into my finger… into the Ring to be precise.

To my surprise blood was not flowing out from my wound as the finger tore itself apart. The light vanished, my finger stopped in mid-air then with a lot of force it came back down on its place in my palm.

< Successfully leveled up >

< Rewards:

A New skill gained: Vision. It allows you to see anybody's stats

Total HP: 15/15

Total Blood level: 15/15

Exp: 65/100 >

The voice stopped speaking. The screen appeared in front of me again. I moved my eyes to read the title of that tab: Stats

The stats had changed from before. The pain was gone. My finger was feeling good as before it was not hurting anymore! 'I see. This pain was because the Ring wanted to tell me something.'

Next was the Attack tab. I clicked it open.

< Attacks & Skills: Vision >

"Huh? That is it?! Come on. Where are those previous attacks where you juiced all of the person's blood?"

Bloods was the next one. I clicked it open:

< Bloods: 200 >

The window continued changing according to the amount of text on the screen. I clicked on the Quests icon.

< Quest:


Daily Quest >

It was distributed into two parts. I clicked on the daily cause the System never told me to do any daily Quest.

< Daily: Eat Iron-rich, protein-rich, low fats products, maintain a healthy daily diet >

My eyes remained open. 'What the… just what the hell are you telling me to do? Come! Damn it! I can't! My- I don't like to eat such food… my life… is ruined now!'

< On-going Quest: Quest Four explore the System >

Now I gotta explore the System thoroughly. I quickly went to the next icon. Settings.

< Change display color >

< Change username >

< Store settings >

< Quest settings >

< Quit >

The last one… the 'Quit' one was in red color while the rest were in blue-green color. I clicked on the change color icon.

A new window with lots of different color combinations appeared. 'Shall I ask Erin about what color I should choose? She had helped me with colors from the start so…' That thought hurt me. I felt like crying. Whenever her topic came up I wanted to cry hard in someone's arms. But, there was no one with me.

Green text and Blue background for now. I could change it any time so it was no problem. I chose this combination cause I liked it the most.

So apparently my user name was: Ryan Walker. 'Hey, that's my real name… never mind.

'Let's see what the store settings hold for us.' I clicked it.

< Buy items from the store automatically >

< Choose manually from the store >

For now, it was set on the first option. I thought why bother changing it? The Ring knows more than me what to buy so it will be okay. Okay next.

< Quests Settings: >

< Level up automatically

Choose when to level up >

Those were the two options it was set on the second one. I changed it to the first option.

< Get Quest completion notifications so you can do it later

Get Quest completion status right away after its finished >

Okay so it was on the first option that was the reason my finger was in pain and the 'New' icon appeared. I changed it to the second one.

So that was it? The last one was looking risky so I decided to hold myself back while going into that option. I clicked the last option and I heard this voice.

< Are you sure you want to quit the System? All of your progress might be lost and the Ring will come off your finger >

"Huh. No! Hell no!" The window closed

< Quest four completed >

< Rewards are added >

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