Devon gulped. He found his hands shaking continuously from the moment his brother looked at him like he is trash. 

Darell quickly turned around and grabbed a big red-colored branch in between his hands. With minimal force, he applied on the brank, it fell down.

"Your lousy Trait would not work against me, Brandon. I have been telling for a long time, get something better than this." 

Darell looked at the troubled Brandon. Brandon broke a big bead of sweat. He knew his attack would not get Darell but he never thought his trap would be found out so easily.

'When did that even happen?' Devon glanced at Brandon with an open mouth, full of surprise.

Brandon's intention behind the trap was to secure his and Devon's safety to the point where they could run away safely.

"Let us go, Devon," Brandon turned around again. Stanley was standing in front of them again.

"You can not go away unless my lord says so," And he stopped them again. 

"Fucking get out of the way!" Brandon lifted his big fist and threw it in Stanley's face. 

Again, it felt as if his fist went through Stanley but in reality, it just went through Stanley's after image.

"You never learn." they heard Darell behind them.

"Fuck, the situation is getting bad…. Would the vampire end up fighting with each other?" Ryan, who was watching everything from the corner, commented. 

"Whatever they do, we should get out of here." He heard Professor warn him, "You will be trapped like an insect between those vampires if they start fighting, so it is better we leave the site right now."

"Then what was the use of taking this trouble from the start anyway?" Ryan was totally in oppose to Professor's advice.

"Just what is your problem, Devon? Do you not understand your position is not high enough to go against me. Do you know what will happen if I take hard actions against you?"

Devon lifted his head and looked at his scary brother. Darell's eyes were pure red in color. As if they are about to burst into a big pool of hot burning lava.

Brandon's eyes fell on Devon's trembling arm. He could feel Devon's body turning colder. The moon was half the way up in the sky. 

This was the perfect time for the vampires to show their true colors. It was not bright, it was nighttime. It was the time where a vampire's true colors come out.

"W- what…. So… what?" Brandon's eyes went wide in shock when he heard Devon mutter something in oppose to Darell.

"Huh? What did you say?" Darell tilted his scary head to the right side a little. 

"So… so what?" Devon raised his voice a little.

"This might get out of hands. I should stop–"

"Who do you think you are, Ryan?! Do you not fucking understand what I am trying to tell you from the start?! Why do not you understand that no matter how powerful you are as a human you can not beat– oh pardon, you can not even stand in between two vampires' fight!"

Professor's sudden outburst of anger almost scared Ryan, it sure starlet him though. Ryan got on his knees, making sure no one catches him.

"Say it louder! Say it with some courage!" Darell shouted on the other hand.

"That is it, we are leaving." Brandon turned around for the third time, he tugged Devon's arm but felt a tug back, "huh?" when turned his head.

Devon was being persistent. He was holding his head down with a stubborn look on his face. He bit his lips, pulled his arm out of Brandon's grip.

"What are you doing?!" Brandon spoke in an agitated but low voice. 

"No. not again, Brandon." Devon looked at Brandon, "I am not running away… again." Devon clenched his fists.

"Ryan. Please do not fuck around. If you want to live, please get the hell out of here. Do not waste your resurrection lifetimes in little shit like this."

"What do you know, Professor?! You know everything about tech, IT, information, etc! But what do you know about emotions?!"

"There you go, doubting my wisdom again."

"How would you want to run away when your friend is about to be hunted down by someone so dangerous?"

"That makes no sense! That does not make me any sense why you should risk your life with him?! And more importantly… do not forget, that friend has betrayed you already. And in by intelligence and wisdom, I suggest never to trust, never to save a traitor and a betrayer."

"I–" Ryan was out of words. He did not have any words to reply to Professor's words. 

"I do not care if I end up killing myself after this. I do not care if I will be called a traitor because of this. I do not know what will happen to me if I go against the Ambassador of our family but…. I am done running away. I want to settle this once and for all."

"Oh~ look who has grown up. That little half-human, half-vampire piece of shit is now about to challenge me? Huh? Do you have a death wish?" 

Darell took a few steps forward, his bright eyes were glowing intensely. He had his fists clenched tight. 

"So, Brandon, if you are with me stand by me, and if you want to save your life then please run away." 

Brandon gulped. He never expected to hear those words of bravery from Devon who has been always intimidated by other vampires.

Brandon knew he had to make a decision. He clenched his fists, "It will be a shame though…." A wicked smile appeared on Brandon's face, "I will not live a long life as a vampire."

Brandon stood beside Devon.

< One minute left before the effect of Presence Hider wears off. Buy… >

The same text appeared in front of Ryan's face.

"Get. The hell. Out." Professor muttered angrily. 

"Do you know what you are doing, Brandon? You will also be labeled as a Traitor in the vampire world,"

"So? I do not have any family to feel ashamed even if I am wrongly accused of being a traitor."

"You. You bastards! You are getting on my nerves!" Darell started striding furiously in their direction with a scary face.

Ryan's hand moved on the corner of a wall. He was unconsciously getting ready to jump out of his hiding place anytime. 

"No. Do not tell me, no. are you serious, Ryan? Do you know what you are doing? No! Stop right now!" Ryan continued to ignore Professor's rational orders. 

"You want to end this once and for all, right? Fine!" Stanley was on move, he started moving along with Darell.

"My lord, are you sure?"

"I have had enough of staying with a hybrid vampire like you, I wanted to end you for a long time too!" Darell threw his fists, his red eyes turned into a darker shade of red, his hands were turning black.

"Devon… it has been a good time," Brandon smiled at Devon.

"Yeah." Devon smiled back. 

"Get it then! Motherfucker, I will end you both for eternal!" Darell increased his pace.

Devon and Brandon both were standing in the distance, ready to give their best and rest in peace after that.

"No. You will not. Think rationally! Do not go in, Ryan. You will not–"

Before Professor could even finish, Ryan jumped out of his place. 

< Superspeed activated >

< Your agility increased by 30 points >

< Your current speed is 75 kilometers per hour >

The next second, Ryan was standing between Devon, Brandon, and Darell, Stanley.

Devon's eyes went wide when he saw the familiar face in front of him. 

Ryan turned his eyes to Devon, "Although you have betrayed me… I still want to trust you." 

With that, Ryan's head turned to face Darell. His fists were red in color. 

"Fucking no!!" Professor screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Aah!!!" the screaming got into Ryan's head, the volume was not high but the scream was loud enough to damage Ryan's ear.

Ryan brought his hand to cover his ears which were not helpful at all.

< Presence Hider timed out. Buy another stock of the same item to continue the effect >

"Hm? A human?" Darell unconsciously grabbed Ryan by his arm. He spun around and threw Ryan on the ground with all his mighty force.

< HP: 50/75 >

< You have been bitten by a vampire: 3/5 >

Before Darell threw Ryan on the ground, he took a bite of his neck, so the drop of blood would enhance his abilities.

"For how long has this human been here? Why did not I sense him?" Darell thought as he turned back to look at Ryan. 

His eyes went wide with surprise as he gasped, "He is gone!" Darell turned around.

'My head is spinning.' Ryan was in front of Darell with his red fist pulled in Darell's direction.

"My God, what is he doing here?" Brandon asked as he bolted from his place. 

Before Darell would react, Stanley appeared in front of him. He quickly grabbed Ryan's arm, pulled it off from his elbow.

Ryan saw a pair of two long fangs coming for his neck. After taking a boost of energy, Stanley pulled out his fangs.

His hands wrapped around Ryan's head, "Human. Got to kill." He muttered as his hands gripped tighter around Ryan's head.




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Weekly Goals for this week:

Gifts: One extra ch. for 3 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above. 

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4. Win-Win Mission: 5 Privilege chapter unlocks = 1 extra Ch.

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Gifts: 15 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above = Two chapters. (This is monthly.)

Golden Tickets: 15 Golden tickets = 1 extra ch. (At the end of the month that is.)

Win-Win Mission: 150 Privilege chapter unlocks = 2 extra Ch.

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